Sunday, September 7, 2014

He is back being his old self again

Some people take home a snake and treat it like a pet believing it can be domesticated. And most of the time these people end up dead because the snake would have grown large enough and strong enough to squeeze the life out of them as if they were a mouse and not a human pet owner.

The fundamental mistake that these people make for which they pay with their lives is to believe that the snake can be tamed when in reality, a snake is a snake because it is savage ... and savage it remains to the end of its days. In fact, snake and savage being one and the same, you cannot separate the two without killing the twosome. And so it is with the Jew and his twin, the concept of betrayal. You simply cannot rehabilitate a Jew, and turn him into a trustworthy individual. He will betray you as easily as a snake would swallow the mouse that raised him.

You can see how Thomas L. Friedman lives a life that is powered by similar instincts, having exposed himself in a column titled: “Leading From Within,” published on September 7, 2014 in the New York Times. Using words different from what follows, he makes the point that America must now look after its internal affairs to get strong again and earn the right to lead by example the way that it did in its heyday; and not by dropping bombs on those who cannot defend themselves the way that it did during its years of decline.

Well, that's what some people have been saying for many years, including yours truly on this website. As more and more people, including Friedman, came to adopt that line of thinking, it seemed for a while that the world was moving away from the idea of singing from the song sheet of warmongers. In fact, before his apparent rehabilitation, Friedman had gained notoriety because he stood in Israel one evening and warned the W on live television that if he did not invade Iraq, the electorate will toss him out of office the way it did his father who organized the First Air War on Iraq but refused to invade the country by land.

And when the W listened to Friedman and his likes, and when he decided to invade Iraq; an event that turned out to be the biggest mistake America made, Friedman and those of his ilk began to shift to the opposite side. They started telling America it should stay home and mind its own business, and not poke its nose in the affairs of other nations. Then – all of a sudden – the snakelike instinct of the Jew was triggered by who knows what, and caused Friedman to revert back to his old self … as can be seen in his latest column.

He lays out a plan he says will rebuild America's economy, but the plan is no different from what a clerk in a Third World Country would have laid out. Friedman's plan is not one in which the parts are designed to achieve sustainable growth, steady prices or full employment; it is one that is designed to hurt the Russian economy regardless as to what damage it will do to America.

He suggests the dismantling of America's energy policy – the one that has been serving the country extremely well for more than a century – and its redesign in such a way as to turn the new discoveries of shale oil into a weapon that can be used against Russia. And he promises, as only a snake will promise, that “nothing would make us stronger and Putin and ISIS weaker – all at the same time.” He is so confident that this is the right strategy; he tells why it is so.

He asks the question: How so? And he answers it by saying that Putin and ISIS both wear a mask. ISIS wears an actual hood whereas Putin wears a poker face that serves as a mask, he says. And the reason they do this, he explains, is that both feel they were humiliated in the past. But this is the big puzzle because in the past, it was the Jews who were asked to spit on the floor and lick their own spit. And it was the Jews who were skinned, and their skin used to make lamp shades. If this is not humiliation, what is? Being gassed? Cremated?

In fact, this is why Netanyahu relies on the Jewish dominated media in America to justify his committing a brand new crime against humanity each time on the eve of his flying to Washington. And this is why he relies on the congress of traitors to reward him for his crimes. He asks for all that to show the world that he can humiliate the American President, and get his ass not kicked in America but kissed by a class of followers made to drink from the fountain of humiliation at every turn, and savor humiliation as much as the Jew savors being hated.