Friday, September 5, 2014

ISIL could be a Metastasis, a Mutation or both

If you see a phenomenon and determine that it is a metastasis, you'll know the organism has been infected and needs to be cured; something you can do if the right combination of skill, drugs and equipment is made available to you. If however, you determine that the phenomenon is a mutation, you'll know that the occurrence is a part of the organism's natural evolution, and that it is irreversible.

What can happen at times is that a phenomenon you observe in a society turns out to be a complex occurrence with two components to it; one being metastasis and the other mutation. In this case the possibility exists that you'll make the error of taking one for the other; applying a remedy where it is not needed while neglecting to apply it where it is needed. If you do this, the result can be catastrophic.

The appearance of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) displays all the signs of being a complex occurrence. It has an evolutionary component that is a reflection of what came to be called the Arab Spring. And it has a metastatic component that is a reflection of the malignant growth known as al-Qaeda. Unless you can discern which part is which, and correctly determine what skill, drugs and equipment must be applied where, you stand a good chance of causing much damage by creating a monster where none exists at this time.

The problem is that a number of self-designated experts who were afflicted with mental issues were given the task – at the start of the Arab Spring – of handling it on behalf of the leaders who may today be asked to handle the ISIL phenomenon. Having no notion of what a system of governance entails, those mentally afflicted non-experts conflated in their diseased little minds, the principle of democratic rule with the acceptance of sickly Jewish autocratic rule.

These people were so misguided, they heralded the opening of Arab doors to every Jew and his cousin who wished to go to the Arab world, and do their shtick there. In fact, they even convinced a Jewish justice of the US Supreme Court to go tell the Egyptians how to write a new constitution for their country ... not modeled after the American constitution but inspired by it. The good woman said that much to people who would rather expire than be inspired by something Judeo-American.

And the biggest mistake that the leaders who may today handle the ISIL phenomenon, can make is to repeat the one that was made previously by hiring Jews who will come and present themselves as experts on Arab affairs or a related field. In reality, they will not know the difference between metastasis and mutation anymore than they know the difference between healthy democracy and sickly Jewish autocracy.

Leaders like Barack Obama and David Cameron who seem eager to take charge of the ISIL phenomenon should know that the fastest way to screw-up the job – even if they manage to assemble a team that will be free of Jews – is to play politics with the issue for the benefit of their domestic audiences. Don't forget that what is heard at home is heard everywhere. And what is clear from the article they co-authored and published on September 4, 2014 under the title: “We will not be cowed by barbaric killers” is that they have the tendency to say the wrong things at times.

Take for example this passage: “We must invest in the building blocks of free and open societies.” Well, do you know what this means? In Egypt and a number of other countries, it means hand the country over to foreign “civil societies” that are owned and operated by the American congress of sick dogs, trained by their Jewish masters to infiltrate and spoil the countries that allow them in.

Also, in a number of Asian countries, it means to open schools that teach not regular subjects but instruct little boys and little girls how to be prostitutes of the kind that will give maximum pleasure to the sex tourists who will follow.

If Obama and Cameron keep talking as they have done, every naturally occurring good mutation in the region will turn into a malignant metastasis. Worse, it will be irreversible. And before you know it, you'll have a problem on your hand that will dwarf what you see now; in the same way that what you see has dwarfed what was there at the start of the Arab Spring.

It will be a disaster growing exponentially with nothing to stop it.