Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Time for the NYT to learn making Sense

The New York Times (NYT) came up with two editorials on September 24, 2014. One had the title: “Wrong Turn on Syria: No Convincing Plan.” The other had the title: “Wrong Turn on Syria: Helping Assad?” Considering both to be one long editorial, it is easy to see why America finds itself in such a mess intellectually and culturally.

The editors begin by chiding President Obama for putting America “at the center of a widening war.” They go on to make their case, starting with this: “His assertions have not been tested or examined by the people's representatives in Congress.” They continue by complain that Mr. Obama has not explained how the bombing campaign will degrade the extremist group “without unleashing unforeseen consequences in a violent and volatile region.”

So far so good because what they said up to now seems coherent. But look now how this whole edifice of theirs comes crashing down as if shocked and awed by a cruise missile of their own making. They say of Obama: “He has given Congress notification of the military action in Iraq and Syria.” And yet, they complain that he “failed to ask for or receive congressional authorization for such military action.” They say so even though “Congress has utterly failed in its constitutional responsibilities.” And how do they say this happened? Well, having received notification, the Congress “has left Washington and gone fund raising, shamelessly ducking a vote on this critical issue,” they explain.

So you ask: What did they expect? Inaction on the part of the Executive Branch till the Congress returns after the mid-term elections? And now that they have shown logic this screwed up, you go back to a point where you gave them the benefit of the doubt, and reconsider. When they said they would have wanted an explanation as to how a bombing campaign can degrade a group without unleashing unforeseen consequences, you thought they only wanted an acknowledgment that there may be unforeseen consequences. But now, it sounds like they wanted a full and detailed account of what the unforeseen was going to be. The popular saying goes like this: “You don't know what you don't know.” In their small minds, it goes like this: “You should know what you don't know before you get to know it.”

And there is more that should trouble the reader because what the editors actually said was this: “unforeseen consequences in a violent and volatile region.” If this is how they see things, why is it that they failed to mention the very disease that brought violence and volatility to the region, and continues to do so more than ever before. To wit, on the day that the allied air campaign began, the me-too crowd of cockroaches in occupied Jerusalem shot down a Syrian plane, and murdered two Palestinians in the occupied West Bank to muddy the situation and further confuse the birdbrains of America who preside over the editorial boards of its publications.

Once you grasp this set of facts about the level to which America's intellectual and cultural state has been reduced by the Judeo-Israeli influence on it, you do not get shocked anymore when you see its editors lament: “It is puzzling that Mr. Obama would … not mention Khorasan so the group would not know it was being tracked.” And why they would recommend: “Mr. Obama needs to get Congress's approval and prove that he has fully accounted for the consequences of his foray into Syria.”

And you do not get shocked when you see them worry about Assad of Syria possibly benefiting from what the allies are doing when the mess in which the Levant finds itself at this time began with the American Jew who stole satellite photos about Iraq's civilian nuclear power station and gave them to Israel which bombed the station and set off the chain of events that led to this point.

What was unforeseen consequences at the time is now on full display, and rather than ask their President to foresee the as yet unforeseen, they should concentrate their attention on extracting lessons from the events that have come to pass – events that the biblical cavemen now occupying Palestine are bent on repeating using advanced weapon systems coming to them from America.

If there is anything the editors can recommend and be logical about it, it is the bombing of Israel's command and control centers as well as its weapons and munitions depots. This is how the Levant will cease to be violent and volatile, and how it will get back to being the Arab Garden of Eden it had been for hundreds of years.