Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Terror Designation used as Currency

This is my response to another one of those articles written by Claudia Rosett.

But before I do that, let me quiz you on something. Following the initial blitzkrieg of June 1967 and the rebuilding of Egypt's air defenses, there were two occasions during the 1967-1973 War of Attrition when the Israeli air force was able to penetrate those defenses and bomb deep inside Egypt. What targets did they choose to bomb? The answer is a factory for making building material and a school for girls. Why is that?

It is an ancient tradition that when you want to hurt someone badly, you have three ways to do it. (1) You burn his crop if he is a farmer; (2) you kill his child if he has one; (3) you destroy his house if he owns one. For example, I remember the story we were told during Sunday School – supposedly out of the Old Testament – to the effect that the ancient Hebrews used to burn someone's crop by catching two foxes, tying them by the tails, attaching a torch to the tails, and releasing the foxes in the enemy's field where the foxes would run sideways and set the crops ablaze.

As to the killing of children, this is all over the Old Testament; the most poignant story being that of killing the first born in every Egyptian household when the Hebrews looted the country and ran to the desert in the direction of the “Promised Land.” As to the destruction of the homes, this was a more difficult thing to do unless there was a war during which time homes, palaces and temples were destroyed. Otherwise, the idea has remained a wish that lasted to this day, expressed as a curse that, in the Egyptian colloquial, goes this way: “yekhreb beitak” which translates into: may your house (or household) be ruined. As I understand it, there is something comparable to that in all the colloquials of the region, including Hebrew.

Thus, what Israel has been doing in the Middle East using modern American weapons is impose the mentality of the biblical Stone Age on the region, something that the Jews cannot shed because – like they say – you can take the Jew out of the Stone Age but you cannot take the Stone Age out of the Jew. And this brings us to the Claudia Rosett article. It has the title: “The U.N.: Clueless or Complicit in Gaza?” and the subtitle: “Problems abound with the U.N. agency responsible for helping Palestinians.” It was published on September 4, 2014 in National Review Online.

Rosett begins with two short paragraphs where you find the expressions: “Hamas terrorist attacks” in the first paragraph, and “latest bout of war” in the second. Right there, you can see that if someone is clueless, it is she and not the UN. This is because you cannot have a war where one side inflicts terror, and the other does what? Blow kisses? This is so absurd that Rosett and people like her have, in fact, started the process of legitimizing the practice of terrorism at a time when Israel is being delegitimized. These people must be mental.

The original aim of the Jewish lobby in America was to give itself the veto power in all matters concerning America's relationship with Hamas. That is, by designating the organization as terrorist, the Lobby could invoke the designation to justify any crime that Israel may be committing in Gaza, or block any relief that the congress may be contemplating for the Strip. But then, in the typically Jewish fashion of asking for a finger and then going for the arm, the Jews turned the self-awarded privilege into a key that opened all doors for them.

And where you see them take advantage of this development is nothing short of racism, practiced under another name. For example, instead of saying to the congress or someone else: “do not consider their request or their complaint because they are an inferior Palestinian race and we are superior Jews,” they say it in the form of a euphemism which runs this way: “do not consider their request or their complaint because they are terrorists and we are not.” In practical terms, the designation has become currency with which the Jews buy for themselves what they want, and deny the Palestinians what they need.

And this is why peppered throughout the Rosett article, you see her call Hamas a terrorist organization. Other than that, the article is another run of the mill piece of trash in which she tells the congress to let the Palestinians starve by not sending them any money.