Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Look whose Mind is being messed up

Just before reading the Dennis Prager article which came under the title: “Cruz and the Arab Christians” I glanced at the Huffington Post where they have an article about the Egyptian military causing unemployment and refugees. After reading no more than two or three lines, I moved away from that journalistic filth to something else. I scanned a few articles, and hit upon something that is no less filthy, but I read it anyway because I judged that something worthwhile can come out of responding to it.

That was the Prager article which also came under the subtitle: “The same Muslims who are slaughtering Christians hate the Jews. Why won't more Christians say so?” It was published on September 16, 2014 in National Review Online. What the Prager article has in common with the Huffington article is that both use big words to describe something that isn't.

For example, the article on Egypt mentions a number of young Egyptians who went to Germany because they did not want to serve in the military where service is compulsory. The article used the words “fled Egypt” and became “refugees.” Hey, you animals out there who edit America's publications; we, here in Canada, received plenty of your “draft dodgers” during the Vietnam War. We did not call them refugees; we said they “came” to Canada not fled to Canada. If the animals under Jewish tutelage who write for you cannot get the words right, you should be there fixing the deficiency, not print filth as it comes to you.

And let me tell you something else. The open season on the Egyptian military has started, and it is going to last a long time because the people who are behind the wave of ejaculating their moral syphilis into the heads, hearts and minds of your youngsters, are busy hitting at the Egyptian military because it has been the institution most responsible for shielding the country when those animals out there tried to hurt it.

We now look at the Dennis Prager article. He discusses the Ted Cruz incident, and mentions the article of Ross Douthat which I already discussed two articles ago under the title: “With Friends like these they need no Enemies.” I shall therefore not discuss it again. What caught my attention in the Prager article, however, besides the usual mutilation of history by a Jew, is the use of the word “slaughter.” Once in the subtitle and twice in the body of the text, Prager uses the word to describe what the Muslims are doing to Christians.

The fact remains that since the middle of the Twentieth Century, more than a million Muslims were killed by Christian bombs. During that time, no more than a hundred or two hundred Christians were deliberately killed by Muslims. A few more died during the course of wars that erupted here and there, but that would be expected where Christians and Muslims mingle and are subjected to the same fate in places where hostility does not differentiate between the two.

Cruz also used the word “exterminate” twice, and he and Prager used the word “hate” at least half a dozen times in reference to sentiments they say the Muslims harbor towards the Jews, Israel and the Christians. Well, the whole world knows that extermination of the Jews happened in Europe not in the Middle East. And if there is any attempt to exterminate someone today, it is the Jews who are trying to exterminate the Palestinians. The whole world knows that too.

As to the word “hate,” every time they say that someone hates the Jews, they mean to say that the Jews do not hate. They want you to believe that the Jews love Hitler as much as they love say, their mothers for example … which is crap, of course. But forget about the Jews and their relationships with the rest of humanity, these are miserable people who will remain miserable to the end of time.

Let's talk about Ted Cruz instead. I bet you that a Palestinian child who saw his parents and siblings blown to pieces by an Israeli bomb will grow up to hate Jews less than the hatred which Ted Cruz harbors for Barack Obama of whom he is jealous, and whose job he covets.

All that the audience did was boo when Cruz went out of line, and he called that hate. Go over what he said about Obama time after time after time, and you'll see what hate really looks like. Ted Cruz has a middle name; it is Ted Hateful Cruz.