Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Krauthammer massive Freudian Slip

Its takes someone that is psychologically exhausted to make a Freudian slip; it takes a former psychiatrist who is intellectually bankrupt to write a column that is a Freudian slip in its entirety. This is what Charles Krauthammer is demonstrating in his column: “The Jihadi Logic,” also subtitled: “Lure the U.S. into the fight that Obama will quit, as in Iraq, Libya, and (soon) Afghanistan.” It was published on September 18, 2014, in National Review Online.

In trying to psychoanalyze what the Islamic State was thinking when it beheaded two Americans on video and propagated the spectacles to the world, he came up with two possible explanations which he then calls theories. One is that the terrorists are motivated by depravity, the display of which they did not realize will “bring down upon them the furies of the U.S. Air Force.” The other explanation or “theory” is that the terrorists meant to “provoke America into entering the Mesopotamian war.”

Even though he began by making it sound as if he were saying either one or the other of the theories was valid, he goes on to talk about them as if both were valid simultaneously. He begins this process by asking the question “Why?” That is, why did the terrorists wish to provoke America into a war? And he answers: “Because they are sure we will lose.” He explains: “They count on Barack Obama's quitting the Iraq/Syria campaign.” What this means is that the author accepts the second theory.

But now Krauthammer does something which says he accepts the first theory as well. He does that by explaining: “As for the short run, the Islamic State knows it will be pounded from the air.” He goes on to say it deems this to be a price worth paying because the public executions translate into renown and recruiting. And this means that the current members of the organization are depraved as are those they seek to recruit. Framing the situation on the ground this way, makes it possible for the two theories to be in force simultaneously. But they open the door for a massive Freudian slip to develop.

Krauthammer gets on this road by lamenting: “The [terrorists] are convinced that, as war drags on, we lose heart and go home.” Further down, he elaborates: “And this goes beyond Obama. They see a pattern: America experiences shock and outrage and demands action. Then tires and seeks leaders who will order the retreat. In Obama, they found such leader.” This is a big admission from someone accustomed to blaming Obama for all that went wrong, attributing his weakness to a misunderstanding of the American value system.

This being a first admission, the author piles more such admissions to the point where he dismantles the entire value system which he and his neocon comrades have fashioned, and have presented as America's authentic system. He begins with the following: “Understanding this requires adjusting our thinking.” This causes the reader to wonder: What thinking? What kind of adjustment? And Krauthammer responds in the most cavalier fashion you can imagine with the moral equivalent of this fictitious allegory: The guy says he was mad at me because I used to rape his 6 children. Well, I stopped raping 3 of his children and he is still mad at me.

Look how Krauthammer does that: “A common mantra is that American cruelty – Abu Ghraib, Guatanamo, 'torture,' the Iraq War itself – is the great jihadist recruiting tool. But leaving Iraq, closing Abu Ghraib, and prohibiting 'enhanced interrogation' has had zero effect on recruiting. In fact, jihadi cadres have swelled during Obama's presidency … Turns out the Islamic State's best recruiting tool is indeed savagery – its own. The beheadings are not just a magnet for psychopaths. They are demonstrations of its determination and of American helplessness. In UBL's famous formulation, who is the 'strong horse' now?”

“Strong horse,” he says? And what about the furies of the U.S. Air Force? The relentless video display of American “smart bombs” blasting Muslim properties and killing everyone inside – is this not a way to say, you kill one of ours and we kill hundreds of yours? Does this not translate in the mind of the terrorists over there that the terrorists over here can bring to bear on their citizens a hundred thousand horsepower in a warplane for every one horsepower they can to bring to bear on an American citizen?

And so the big question to ask is this: Does the relentless showing of Muslim positions being blown up from the air along with every soul that is in them, help America recruit American psychopaths? Many of the TV intros show a display of American mass murder a thousand times a day for what reason? To say the same thing a thousand times a day? Or is it to indoctrinate young audience with the neocon principle that the blood of Arabs and Muslims will quench their thirst for violence if they volunteer to serve.

But how did this proud and relentless display of American mass murder begin in America? Well, the Israelis started the trend by showing what the weapons that America gave them could do. The trend was then imported into America, and the more neocons got themselves into high positions in the American media, the more they popularized the gruesome display.

To us here, such display now looks no worse than seeing how nice it is to drink a cool beer on a hot summer. To them over there, it looks like it would to us as if we had to watch their television, and seeing a head being shopped off a thousand times a day. Their terrorists are still civilized enough not to do that, however. Why should we let the Jewish terrorists over here dictate to us what we should do and what we should watch?

It took the intellectual bankruptcy of an ex-psychiatrist turned neocon to bring all this to light. Maybe we owe him something after all.