Sunday, March 22, 2020

Finally, the Truth. But not yet the whole Truth

It is refreshing that after decades of wait, the truth has finally come out even if it's only a small part of the whole truth.

It is what happened when The National Interest decided it was important for its readers to know that: “The U.S. Army Just Dumped Israel's Iron Dome Rocket Defense System,” which is the title of the article that was written by Charlie Gao, and published by the National Interest on March 21, 2020.

Familiar with the scientific and technological mediocrity of the Israelis, the US army did not want to have that fraudulent system in the first place. So, what do you think happened that had the Army end up having it anyway? You must have guessed it by now. It was AIPAC that commanded the congress of treasonous prostitutes to warn the Army with reduced funding for its other projects if it didn't buy the Judeo-Israeli piece of trash. But how did the US Army determine this was a fraudulent scheme, and how do I know it myself? Well then, look at the following passage:

“Israel's reluctance to provide source code and other technical details have contributed to the Army's reluctance to keep funding the project. The lack of source code and technical models prevent the Army from judging how effective Iron Dome [is.] This is ironic, given that the US shared source code with Israel on the F-35 project”.

That trick is so familiar to me, my jaw dropped when I learned that a Jew tried to pull it on a US auto company (I believe it was GM.) To know now that the Israelis tried to pull it on the US Army as well, is beyond stupefying. So, let me tell you what happened when I was running my own school in Montreal. I had a good friend that was a Jewish lawyer. He told me about an Israeli client of his that invented a gadget everyone should have in their car. It indicated how much “juice” was left in the battery at all time.

The lawyer said the client had a difficult time convincing other people it was a good idea, and he wanted to know from me what I thought of it. I said I needed to see the technical details because, at first blush, the gadget made no sense for many reasons. The lawyer said the gadget was operated by the secret programming of a microprocessor, and his client was not going to reveal the program to anyone. But you know what, my friend, this is what told me that the Israeli was a modern-day hi-tech snake oil salesman.

This must have also been the determination of the auto company that looked at the gadget. Likewise, it must have been the determination that was made by the US Army about the entire Israeli scientific and technical set-up. In fact, this should be the determination that everyone ought to make upon hearing Fox News or CNN tell that Israel does not make finished products to sell directly to consumers because it makes components that go inside the finished products other countries make and sell to consumers. The truth is that Israel has not the wherewithal to make any useful component for anyone.

You might be mystified as to why the Israelis would not share –– at the risk of losing a client as important as America –– the source code and technical details of a system as mundane as the launch of rockets, when America shares with Israel the source code and technical details of systems as advanced as the F-35, given to Israel free of charge. But there is no reason for you to wonder because the truth is that the Israelis know America doesn't need that stuff from them. Let me draw from my experience and tell you why this is so:

When I was doing maintenance, if I had an old piece of equipment to work with, but no blueprint or technical details or source code to guide me, I could still reverse engineer what I was looking at because I was familiar with the combination that made-up components such as a Schmitt Trigger, or an oscillator, for example. Knowing what signals these components required to operate, and what signals they produced, I could work out what circuits were feeding them at the input, and what circuits they were feeding at the output. Starting from there, I could figure out the operation of the entire circuit board.

But when faced with a technology that was new to me, I had to have technical manuals to guide me, or I could not figure out how the thing worked. America being advanced, and Israel being backward, you can be certain that the Americans reverse-engineered the Israeli circuits and found them to be a jumble of Jewish technological and scientific hocus pocus. A simple way to determine the usefulness of a circuit is to bypass it and see what that does to the equipment. The Americans must have done just that, and established that the so-called secret components of the Israeli equipment were as useless as a dead skunk.

Both the Americans and the Israelis knew all along what was going on. Their whispered give-and-take pertained, not to the capabilities of the Israeli equipment –– they both knew it was junk –– but the capabilities of AIPAC to inflame passions in the American congress of treasonous prostitutes.

They both knew that AIPAC could call on the likes of Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio to start working on forcing the Army to buy an Israeli piece of garbage that will result, not in protecting the American people, but in getting them killed.