Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Here is proof positive of confused Loyalties

Henry Kissinger was not confused. Unfortunately, all Jews are not like Henry Kissinger.

What happened with Kissinger was that Golda Meir, then Prime Minister of Israel, tried to turn him into a Jewish mole inside the American administration. She envisaged him pretending to work for America but actually working for Israel. Kissinger did not stop for a moment to reflect on what Meir was telling him; he responded by saying that he was an American and not an Israeli, or a Jewish-American for that matter … just American, pure and simple.

That's the attitude you'll see exhibited by an American official of any ethnicity, were they approached by the leader of say, Ireland trying to recruit an American of Irish origin, one of Italian origin, one of Japanese origin, one of Arab origin, and so on and so forth. But when it comes to Jews, other than the Kissingers among them (a very small minority,) you'll observe them strive to outdo each other in the race to prove how much they will use their American connection to serve Israel to the detriment of American interests.

In journalism, especially in punditry, that attitude is manifested by the effort of the Jewish moles to transform the Constitution-inspired American system of politics and governance into a relentless machine that normalizes the betrayal of America for the benefit of Israel and the other Jewish causes.

You can see this attitude expressed openly and shamelessly by the editors of the New York Post who wrote and published a piece under the title: “Democrats: Speak out now, or Bernie Sanders is going to take over your party,” printed on March 1, 2020 in the New York Post.

By the time you're finished reading the first sentence of the Post's editorial, you'll have realized that the writers must have looked in the mirror, saw the ugliness of the treasonous activities in which they are engaged, and attributed them to Bernie Sanders who wants to put an end to the Jewish betrayal of America. Here is that infamous first sentence: “Democrats, this is your last chance. You need to stop Bernie Sanders now, or he's going to steal your party out from under you”.

The difference between what the editors falsely claim Bernie Sanders is doing, and what they are themselves doing in real life, is that they are relentlessly stealing America out from under the American people … day in and day out. They projected the crime that is theirs into Bernie Sanders, having modified it by replacing the term “America” with “party” to suit the new circumstances.

And then, what else do you think the editors of the Post pulled from their Jewish bag of tricks to try and impede Bernie Sanders's honest effort to win the nomination of the Democratic Party, and go on to challenge Donald Trump for the presidency of the United States? Well, I assume you made the right guess. It is that the editors flipped on their previous position –– temporarily I must add –– and are now calling on their previous archenemies to get involved and help them undermine the Bernie Sanders campaign.

Yes, my friend, having spent two years before the election of Barack Obama attacking him and his wife Michelle like vicious beasts for daring to seek the highest office in the land; having spent eight more years slandering him while he governed honestly and professionally, and having spent another three years denigrating his work after he left office, the Jewish editors of the New York Post are now calling on the same Barack and Michelle Obama to help them destroy Bernie Sanders. What a bunch of lowlife jerks!

Not only did they call on the Obamas; they called on the entire Democratic kit and caboodle to get involved and put a stop to the Bernie Sanders winnings. Look at the nerve of the shameless jerks as they called on others to do the dirty work they are powerless to do themselves. Here is a condensed version of what they are begging for at this time:

“John Podhoretz made the case for why Barack Obama could and should speak up. While Obama is the most consequential voice who could stand up now, every other party leader –– starting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer –– shares the same duty to speak out. Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat. He's a radical leftist. Dem leaders and voters are fools if they try to out-clever Bernie by quietly working for a brokered convention. He now has an excellent chance of racking up the delegates for a first-ballot win. Robbing him at the convention is a big gift to Trump. There's the remote chance that Sanders could win the White House. Speak up now, or kiss your party good-bye”.

These are Republicans telling Democrats that if they don't destroy their own Bernie Sanders, they will be giving the Republican leader, Donald Trump, a big gift.

Well, well, well … let me say this, my friend: The day that the Democrats will believe that the Republican editors of the New York Post care more about America than they do their own party, will be the day that the Republicans will start loving America as much as they love Israel.

Golda Meir must be giggling in her grave.