Friday, March 13, 2020

This is a Case of mercilessly tattered Logic

Let me begin by setting up a fictitious story that will help me make my point. Here it is: Being a Semitic looking fellow of Egyptian origin, I try to rent an apartment in the town where I lived for several decades. The building manager, whom I reckon must be a closet anti-Semite, takes one look at me and says that despite the sign which says apartment for rent, there is no vacant apartment ready to be rented at this time.

I complain to the Human Rights Commission, which conducts an inquiry, sets-up a tribunal, tries the case and finds the building manager guilty of discrimination. The tribunal rules in my favor, forces the manager to pay me a fine as well as rent me an apartment in the said building. Mistaking me for a Jew, the tribunal's presiding judge specifically asserts that: Jews have rights, including the right to live where they choose. Opposing that right or treating Jews differently would constitute discrimination.

I move into the apartment but shortly thereafter, I take the printed judgment of the Human Rights Tribunal under my arm, take a gun in my hand and go to a building that’s standing in the prettiest spot in town. I go to the penthouse and confront the family that has lived there since the building was put up. I order the family at gun point to get out because I am moving in. When the family asks by what right do I make such a demand, I cite the judgment of the tribunal which says: Jews have rights, including the right to live where they choose. And so, having declared myself a Jew for the day, I claim the right to live in that penthouse.

Now I ask you this question my friend: If I, or some other entity that purports to be a Jew behaved in this manner, would you consider me or that entity to be normal human beings? Or would you consider us to be dangerously sick beasts that must not be allowed to roam the streets of any place on Earth, but be locked up in a mental institution for life?

Once you have answered that question one way or the other, go on and read the article that came under the title: “Defining 'Peace' in the Middle East,” written by Steve Feldman who is executive director of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Zionist Organization of America. It was published on March 10, 2020 in The American Thinker. As you read the article, concentrate on the following passage:

“We can tell what they mean when they assert what is preventing peace from breaking out … an official of a government or a UN official or an NGO head, or some media pundit claiming that a Jewish community somewhere prevents peace between Arabs and Israelis. How can that possibly be? How can homes that Jews live in hamper peace? Don't Jews have rights, including the right to live where they choose? Isn't opposing that right discrimination? The UN Coordinator for Middle East Peace condemned plans for Jewish homes. He issued an outrageous statement after Israel announced plans to permit the construction of a few thousand living quarters”.

As you can see, being armed with a screwy kind of Judeo-Zionist logic, Steve Feldman is not only defending Jews of every ethnic background to invade an apartment, force its residents out at gun point and occupy it, he is defending the military invasion of a whole country, and giving it to strangers who say they are Jews. Feldman bases the appropriateness of his claim on the Jewish right of return to a place that never was theirs while at the same time seeking to forbid the Palestinian right of return to the place that has been theirs since the beginning of time. How much screwier can a logic be?

Steve Feldman isn't the only Jew using that kind of rotting logic. In the same way that the argument about Jews having the right to live anywhere, was used to grab someone's penthouse, you'll find that every rule permitting one thing for a given occasion, is invoked by the Jews to do the same thing where it does not apply. For a long time, no one was more logically contorted than Alan Dershowitz, playing this game. But now that he's getting old, a younger clone of him named Eugene Kantorovich is trying to fill his shoes.

Yes, this is purely a Jewish problem and the Jews are responsible for the consequences. But because it takes two to tango, their partners in this demonic dance, must be held liable for the consequences of their actions as well. The partners being the state and federal politicians who listen to the screwing logic whispered in their ears, and respond to it as if God had commanded them to act.

These characters go out of their way to give the Jews and Israel what they ask for and then some while blocking every idea that might advance the interests of the American people. To verify this assertion, look at the record of Senator Ted Cruz, and be shocked at how many times he blocked or threatened to block America’s business, and how many times he fast-tracked Israel’s business. If that’s not a destructive Israeli mole in the American Senate, what is?

The worst that is happening at this time is that the Jews have their eyes on the system of education, which they want to own the same way that they own the political whorehouses in the Washington Beltway.

The Jews are halfway there already, and you can imagine how persuasive they will be when teaching America's children the kind of screwy logic that has impressed the moral prostitutes of the Washington whorehouses. I shudder to think what kind of country America will evolve to be.