Friday, March 27, 2020

The Tug of War between a Cannibal and a Saint

What does eating a nice meal and watching an entertaining movie have in common? They both give you pleasure. Eating gives the physical pleasure of taste, and the appeasement of hunger. Watching a movie gives the moral pleasure of entertainment, and the proverbial food for thought.

Massive industries arose to cater to these forms of pleasure. In fact, everywhere you look around the globe, you'll find that the agri-food business and the entertainment industries are predominant sectors of the national economy. They provide their populations with a large variety of products that serve to enhance their pleasurable experiences.

And yet, despite all of this, you'll find that some people go well beyond any limit you can imagine doing the unthinkable. Some people –– undoubtedly very sick people –– turn to cannibalism, not out of necessity, but for the supreme pleasure of eating the flesh of another human being. The entertainment parallel to that, is the kind of pleasures that Jews seek. When looked at closely, you'll find them to be pleasures that would sicken rather than entertain normal human beings.

A common pleasure that Jews, as young as teenagers and as old as retirees, are not ashamed to enjoy publicly, is seeing men in their nineties being punished for doing nothing worse than having been in the wrong place at the wrong time when the Second World War broke, and they were forcibly drafted––as the innocent kids that they were––to stand guard at the gate of a concentration camp. No one sane can avoid seeing this as being a moral cannibalism that is specific to Jews.

But that's what the Jews do regularly to individuals who cannot defend themselves. As to what they do to the people that can defend themselves, it so happens that two recent articles tell this story with clarity.

One article came under the title: “Ilhan Omar Is Using The Wuhan Virus To Shill For Iran,” and the subtitle: “It is bad enough that Ilhan Omar has a penchant for blaming America first. Actively aiding our adversaries is even worse.” It was written by Ben Weingarten and published on March 24, 2020 in The Federalist. The other article came under the title: “America Must Have a 'Regime Collapse' Strategic goal for Iran,” written by Michael Makovsky and published on March 25, 2020 in The National Interest.

Here is the scene that Ben Weingarten the Jew, set up, and bitterly complained about, accusing Ilhan Omar of ingratitude: “Ilhan Omar retweeted a thread blaming a medical supplies shortage in Iran on US sanctions, writing, 'We need to suspend these sanctions before more lives are lost.'” Weingartein can blow his entrails out of his belly all he wants protesting that he is misunderstood, but if he doesn't care about the lives of the Iranian people, he doesn't care about the lives of the American people either––or anyone of us, for that matter. It is as simple as that. He is a cannibal who will lie about the morality of his culinary preferences, and that's all there is to it.

We now look at a condensed version of the Makovsky article, who is also a Jew. It reads as follows:

“The US tools had been limited to economic ones. Sanctions have undercut Iranian resources and exacerbated internal tensions but alone are inadequate. With the killing of Suleimani, the US added a military component to its campaign. To build on the momentum the US needs to adopt the goal of regime collapse. The implication should be to advance the decomposition process in Iran. To achieve regime collapse, the US should exacerbate the domestic tensions. The implication of a US strategy is a policy of pressure: economic, military, diplomatic and political. The US must cement the gains accomplished by the Suleimani strike. This requires the implementation of sanctions on critical regime revenue sources, in particular oil, natural gas, petrochemicals, metals and banking sectors. That means beefing up Israeli military capabilities to prepare for a war with Iran”.

Here too, you cannot avoid having the feeling that this guy is motivated by cannibalistic impulses such as you see expressed by fanatic Jews only. Who else would incite a superpower, telling it that: it is not adequate to starve a people and see them die for lack of medicine, you must resort to the military option as well and bomb to kingdom come the now weakened people of Iran?

And while advocating this much, Makovsky is also asking America to give Israel right now, the weapons it was slated to receive over a ten-year period. He wants it done so that Israel can participate in the cannibalistic ritual of America weakening a people by first starving them, and then softening them by crushing their defenses, and letting Israel move in to claim the spoils.

Endowed with a sense of history that no mutilator of history of the Weingarten variety can ever garner, Ilhan Omar, who on several occasions, took a chance as big as standing up to the treasonous Jews to defend America, is once again standing up to Ben Weingarten.

His apparent aim is to paint a picture of America that will horrify future historians because they’ll see in it a declining superpower that lived its dying days adhering to the cannibalistic dictates, as do the most fanatic of Jews.

But thanks to Ilhan Omar, those same historians will realize that Ben Weingarten was the cannibal, whereas she had been the saint that saved America from his clutches and those of the other Jews.