Monday, March 2, 2020

I too have crucial Questions for Ben Weingarten

Ben Weingarten asked Ilhan Omar questions he is unhappy she did not answer, and so he published the questions as a ploy to put pressure on her to answer, or live with the embarrassment of not answering.

I don't think Ilhan Omar should be embarrassed even one bit, because the right thing to do under such circumstances, is to ask Weingarten a series of questions, and make his answering them a condition of Omar answering his questions. So, here are the questions I ask of Ben Weingarten:

First, did you run away from home as a teenager because you caught your father beat your mother viciously, or because you caught your mother beat your grandfather viciously? Choose one answer but not both, and do not reject the premise of the question.

Second, did you and your sister run away from home as teenagers because you caught you father in bed with the neighbor's wife, or because you caught your mother in bed with the neighbor's husband? Choose one answer but not both, and do not reject the premise of the question.

Until Ben Weingarten has answered these questions, Ilhan Omar will remain under no obligation to answer his questions. Now, out of curiosity, let's review Weingarten's questions to Ilhan Omar, that came in an article under the title: “14 Crucial Questions That Bernie Sanders Surrogate Ilhan Omar Won't Answer,” and the subtitle: “If Ilhan Omar is who Democratic front-runner Bernie Sanders entrusts with Minnesota in 2020, America deserves a response to these burning questions about her past.” The article was published on February 28, 2020 in The Federalist.

The Jews are perhaps best known, since ancient times, to have devised the stoning of women accused of committing adultery. But the sensational aspects of Ben Weingarten's story––who is Jewish––belie the fact that he is not only one of the most prominent symbols of Jewish punditry in America, but a powerful player in his own right. So, look at how he started the attack on his newly acquired nemesis: “Ilhan Omar is perhaps best known for her mounting allegation that she committed marriage fraud.” That's his way of suggesting she may have committed adultery, signaling a deep desire to see her stoned to death in the Jewish style.

What is so sensational about that allegation anyway? It is sensational because it is the sociopolitical nerve gas that is metaphorically colorless, odorless and remains the deadliest of what the Jews have injected into the American system for dispensing justice. It is based on the principle that you no longer have to prove someone is guilty of an offense to punish him or her; all you need to do is allege that they committed an offense, and this is sufficient to set them up for stoning or crucifixion.

So the question we must ask is this: What did Ben Weingarten ask of Ilhan Omar, as a disguise to suggest that she and/or members of her family deserve to be stoned or crucified? Well, the following is a condensed version of the questions that he asked of her, concerning her family at a time that she was a little girl and unaware of what the adults in the family were doing, let alone what the word “politics” meant. Weingarten also asked questions that concerned her private life when she grew up and became an adult, something that is none of his business or anyone else's. So, here is a condensed summary of his questions to her:

“While your family was in Somalia, it has been reported that your father was a teacher trainer, while other family members were civil servants. Was your father indoctrinated in, and/or tasked with indoctrinating others in the ideology promulgated by the Political Office? Did he ever renounce his allegiance to it? Were your relatives indoctrinated? You have spoken of your grandfather. Was he a member of the Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party? What did his work consist of? You lived for a time at the same address as both Ahmed Nur Said Elmi and Ahmed Hirsi, and for another period solely with Hirsi while you were still legally married to Elmi? Is this accurate? You swore that your last contact with Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was in June 2011. Screenshots indicate contact between yourself and Elmi subsequent to June 2011. Do you have an explanation to this discrepancy?”

If anyone out there believes that based on this evidence, Ben Weingarten's wish to see Ilhan Omar stoned to death in the Jewish style––should be fulfilled, let him cast the first stone. He may prove to be unchristian enough to avoid being crucified now or in the foreseeable future, but he'll have to live with a blot on his conscience that will turn his existence in this life and the next into a living hell … for an eternity.

In fact, a living hell has been the Jewish experience since the Jews came into existence as a group thousands of years ago, and there is no sign they'll do what's necessary to change things anytime soon.

If that's what they want, it’s their choice to make, they can have it. But if the rank-and-file has had enough, as the evidence seems to suggest, it should do a lot more than it's doing now to blunt the work of organizations such as AIPAC whose influence on the political elite in Washington and the State capitals, causes the popular resentment against Jews to rise throughout the land.