Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The short History of two Superpowers

During optimistic times, people look at tomorrow with excited anticipation. During pessimistic times, they look at tomorrow with a dread they find impossible to bring under control. Both sentiments are being expressed at this time on Planet Earth as one superpower that was, is looking forward to being again, while another superpower that may still be, fears it will soon be no more.

Andrei Kolesnikov tells the tale of Russian president Vladimir Putin who is so optimistic about the future of his country, he wants to continue governing to make happen the envisaged future, and give Russia its old glory back. That story is told in Kolesnikov's article which came under the title: “The Eternal Putin,” published on March 13, 2020 in the online publication Project Syndicate.

As to the tale of pessimism, it is that of an America whose president, Donald “Trump Could Become the Next Lyndon Johnson Thanks to the Corona virus,” according to Peter Harris who wrote an opinion piece under that title, and had it published on March 15, 2020 in The National Interest. Harris's point is that Donald Trump might see the writing on the wall, and rather than be humiliated in the election that'll be held in a few months, decides to resign before then, as did Lyndon Johnson when the Vietnam War proved to be a disaster.

But what is behind the apparent reversal of fortunes? Well, what's there is that the viability of two systems of governance is being questioned. There is the American system, which is known as liberal democracy; also referred to as capitalism. It has been at odds with the old Soviet system, known as communism. Pitted against each other for about three quarters of a century, liberal democracy caused the collapse of communism and so, declared victory.

Enter Vladimir Putin who thought there has been a mistake. He based that view, not on a theory he invented himself, but a number of beliefs that were handed to us via the evolutionary process which made us the human beings that we are today. It is that, governance is the product of a system of hierarchy that was developed by nature so that the offspring can learn from their parents. Another purpose of the system is that it allows the alpha individuals to enforce the discipline that's required to guarantee the survival of the clan.

Out of all that material, human beings have developed two distinct systems of governance. One is based on the nuclear as well as the extended family where grownups teach the young how to do things for the good of the clan. It is a gentle kind of system that's ruled by an elderly benevolent figure who will eventually cede his or her position to someone from the next generation.

The other system is based on a contest that is held periodically, in which the winner claims the highest spot on the food chain, and rules by imposing his or her will on the clan. This setup lasts till the ruler is challenged in some sort of combat, and someone new emerges as the winner.

What human beings have discovered is that the more they become technologically and scientifically advanced, the more the economy that results, becomes complex. This reality made it evident that social liberties and financial security are the two legs that can sustain the aspired for system of governance. Unsurprisingly, both liberal democracy and communism have claimed that they are good at delivering both liberty and financial security. But the truth is that neither system does it in a way that deserves much praise.

In fact, many in both camps have come to accept that reality. And they are working on devising a system that will deliver the desired outcome. Having lost to liberal democracy, Putin does not pretend to be governing a communist setup anymore. It is obvious that instead of returning to communism, he is trying to devise the aspired for ideal system.

As to the Americans, they continue to pretend that their system is so perfect, it does not need tweaking. At the same time, however, they try hard (so far in vain) to devise a method that will deliver such basics as healthcare and equal protection under the law for every citizen –– al that while maintaining the appearance of being the offshoot of capitalism.

This is the background that has prompted Vladimir Putin of Russia to believe he can continue to deliver the financial security that his countrymen used to enjoy under communism, and add to it the social liberty that was absent then. When this is done, he sees a time when the citizens of Russia will not only be financially secure –– like they were under the benevolent system of old –– but also have more material wealth to enjoy than the bare necessities of life.

As to Donald Trump, he seems to be acutely aware that the only kind of governance he knows, is based on the constitutionally guaranteed liberty to bluff, and based on the make-believe that used to scare others, and force them to forfeit the fight and go away. But with the advent of leaders like Vladimir Putin who reject that kind of nonsense, America is increasingly taking on the air of the emperor that has no clothes.

Afraid to be fully unmasked and paraded to the world in his birthday suit, Donald Trump may choose to exit the stage––according to Peter Harris––before the world gets to see him booted out by his own people.