Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Selling the political Capital of their Offices

In a triumphal tone, Zac Schildcrout has announced the welcoming into the Jewish fold of three brand new moral prostitutes. As usual, it happened through the use of the bribe-and-blackmail set-up for the slow-motion subjugation of America. The three prostitutes this time are Representatives Paul Gosar, Denver Riggleman and George Holding.

Schildcrout made the announcement in an article he wrote under the title: “Stop Using Federal Money to Finance Anti-Zionism at US Colleges,” published on March 22, 2020 in the Jewish online publication, Algemeiner. However, despite a title that sounds meaningless if not perplexing, the Jewish command to America, “stop using federal money” aims specifically at creating a vast and federally funded network that will participate in the Nazi style indoctrination of America's young and not so young.

We can see this clearly when we begin from the premise that the relationship between two institutions stands on one of two foundations: voluntary or coercive. Right now, the relationship between the US Department of Education (DoE) and the University of Arizona's Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) is based on the voluntary transfer of funds out of the DoE, and the voluntary acceptance of same by CMES. The transaction is completed on the basis of the interpretation that both sides have made with regard to what Title VI of the Higher Education Act (VI/HEA) is saying.

What Zac Schildcourt –– who calls himself campus adviser and online editor for the Jewish wildcat Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis –– wants to do, is change the relationship between DoE and CMES from voluntary to coercive. He wants to do it by subjecting what CMES teaches, and how it teaches it, to the whims of the Judeo-Zionist commissars. These will be armed with the full investigative powers of the law, ranging from the issuance of subpoenas to the recommendation that the professors who refuse to promote the Zionist doctrine, be jailed and stripped of the right to teach ever again.

Schildcrout pretends that he and the Jewish establishment behind that scheme are only interested in seeing that the law is implemented as written. They want the readers and the legislators of America to believe that they honor the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights but where Title VI/HEA clashes with the amendment, they want it taken into consideration.

Of course, the Jews know that the students and their parents as well as the college professors and the administrators are adults who know right from wrong, and do not need a Jewish chaperon to protect them from themselves or from each other. But principle is principle, the Jews contend, and they are such sticklers to principle, they'll pursue this matter to the end, and never let go of it whatever the consequences.

They also contend that depriving the university of the little money it receives from the DoE, is not an attempt to starve it of funds with the goal of forcing it to promote the Judeo-Zionist agenda, and be eligible again to receive DoE grants. But if money is not an issue in this dispute, why is it that Schildcrout is complaining about Qatar and Saudi Arabia contributing millions to the University of Arizona and many others?

This is proof enough that the Jewish establishment wants it so that every course on the Middle East taught in America be favorable to the Judeo-Zionist causes. It is also obvious that the Jewish establishment is employing a Nazi-like approach to education with the aim of maneuvering the federal government into financing a program for the Zionist indoctrination of America's pupils and students.

Suppose now that the Jews have it their way, and the colleges and universities in America are cut-off from receiving DoE checks, and forced by law to refuse foreign donations. What do you think the universities and colleges will do? Can you not imagine that they will turn to their alumni for help?

It is a certainty that the colleges and universities will ask, not only for money from their alumni, but also for political support in the form of pressure directed at the politicians and opinion makers of the country. Can you not imagine the start of a debate that will end up with the alumni asking for an end to the scourge of Jewish tyranny in the country?

And there is always the possibility that at some point, a lowlife legislator will commit the one act of political prostitution that will represent the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back. It may turn out to be the event whose consequence will cause a bad ending for the Jews; one that will stand in line with those they suffered since the beginning of time.

America already has a federal executive that spent the political capital which used to impress the world and maintain it in tune with America's vision of what constituted peace and order.

What is at risk now is the hope that the world has for seeing a change in the White House, at which time the congress will start working on giving back to America what it lost during the last few years.

But with the political capital residing in the Congress being slowly eroded by the moral prostitutes who are drawn into the Jewish fold, the world will despair about America and consider it a lost cause.