Saturday, June 13, 2015

After mutilating History, now the Arab Narrative

It used to be said there are two certainties in life: death and taxes; now we can add a third certainty. It is that in order to social engineer the human race into a form that will work for them, the Jews will mutilate not only history but everything else that might serve their purpose.

One thing on which the Jews and their surrogates are working at this time is the Arab narrative. You can see what they are doing in this realm by studying the latest of the Lee Smith creations. It has the title: “The Iran-ISIS connection” and was published on June 12, 2015 in the Weekly Standard.

The thing you need to know before you read the article is that the Jews will try anything when testing the theories that their members come up with in the field of social engineering. They also have a default position on which to fall back when the experiment they are working on fails completely or yields no workable result. That default position is to start badmouthing the next target they have on the list of places in need of fixing.

Having had the Iranians as their closest ally in the Middle East for several decades, the Jews did the customary badmouthing on them when the two had a falling out with each other. After saturating the airwaves and the print media with electronic nerve gas about the bad motives of the Iranians – and seeing no tangible results – the Jewish propaganda machine changed its tactic. Instead of simply attacking the Iranians, it has embarked on the mutilation of the Arab narrative. It uses this method to make it sound like the Arabs, and not the Jews, are the ones asking America to protect them from Iran.

Lee Smith has come to realize that to fashion an argument that will stand, he must fabricate an Arab narrative that will connect the start of that argument with the way it ends. Here is the start of the argument: “the number of troops the president might send to Iraq is irrelevant until he defines what would constitute victory over the Islamic State.” And here is the way it ends: “To defeat the Islamic State, the Obama administration is going to have to turn against Iran first.” So how does he get from here to there?

What he does is use the example of the Bush Iraq surge to make the point that “the difficulty in defeating ISIS is more fundamentally about policy.” He says that the surge succeeded because: “U.S. commanders partnered with Sunni Arab tribes against Al Qaeda.” This being the case, he goes on to explain that “the Sunni rebellion spearheaded by ISIS is the direct fallout of the administration's Middle East policy. The president decided that a deal with Iran is the be-all and end-all of his second term in office.” And Smith concludes that “ISIS and its tribal enablers will continue to advance unless the White House changes direction and turns against Iran, which the Sunni tribes see as an even bigger threat than the foreign fighters of the Islamic State.”

Having come to this point in building the foundation and in constructing the early stages of a fake Arab narrative, Lee Smith takes the step that causes the edifice to crumble under its own weight. This is how he does it: “Left to fend for themselves, the Sunnis lined up with the remnants of AQI as well as with the dead-enders from Saddam Hussein's military and intelligence services who today constitute much of the Islamic State's leadership.”

Astonishingly, he continues to call these people dead-enders even though he says they formed the ISIS fighting force which he admits is having great success in Iraq and in neighboring Syria. But who are these people? They are the Baathists whom the Jews badmouthed to death before ordering America to disband them in the effort to de-Baathify the Middle East the way that the allies de-Nazified Germany after WW II.

Given these realities, against who would you say logic dictates that the Baathists of Iraq and Syria are likely to rise-up against? Could it be Christian America? Could it be Jewish America? No, says Lee Smith; it's neither of these two. The Baathists chose to rise up “against Iran's imperial ambitions in the Middle East,” he tells his readers. And this is how the readers get to witness how a quack theory is shot down in flames by the stupidity of its own creator.

Not realizing what he just did, Smith goes on to explain: “By partnering with Iran, the White House has only ensured that ISIS will grow, drawing strength from the wider Sunni population.”

What does he know? Nothing worth transmitting to a population that cries out for intellectual honesty.