Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The ongoing Jewish civil War in America

In part 4 of the series that Dennis Prager is writing on the differences between Left and Right, he returns to the question as to whether people are fundamentally good or fundamentally bad. The current column came under the title: “The Left Rejects Painful Truths,” published on June 16, 2015 in National Review Online.

When he talks about the left-wing and the conservatives, he does not attempt to differentiate between what the two groups were like – say, half a century ago – and what they are like today. In fact, he pretends that what he sees today has been like that since the beginning of the Republic. But the fact is that both the left-wing and the conservatives have changed during the time that the Jews have been influencing the American culture.

Because the Jews have managed to monopolize the instruments of culture in America, if not the entire English speaking world, they smothered the notions of good and evil as they were known to the people who spoke the language of Shakespeare, and were immersed in his culture – but are no more. What happened is that the Jews replaced the Christian Anglo-European notions with what the rabbis have been kneading like silly putty to suit every occasion, for the past 18 centuries.

Prager hints at that – in his own distorted way – by reminding his readers what he said in the first installment of the series: “When liberals blame violent crime in America on poverty, one reason they do is that liberal beliefs since the Enlightenment have posited that human nature is good.” No, that's false. Prager is here manipulating history like silly putty to suit the occasion. The truth is that the belief in the goodness of human nature is a Christian notion that took hold two thousand years ago – long before the Enlightenment.

That Christian belief was the cultural basis upon which the Americans (like their European counterparts) had constructed their various philosophies, be they left-wing, conservative or anything in-between. When the American culture was contaminated by the Jewish manipulations, it dissolved from the inside out like a wooden structure that became infested with termites. The result has been that the logical arguments, which are the tools by which human beings communicate complex ideas, have been rendered as useless as patching a dilapidated car with chewing gum and masking tape. In this, the American philosophies have come to resemble the Jewish model which is falsely and ridiculously described as being deep and wise.

You find one such example in the Dennis Prager column: “Why are so many young black males in prison? The reason is politically incorrect – meaning too painful for the Left to acknowledge: Black males commit a highly disproportionate amount of violent crime.” This is like asking why someone lost consciousness and fell to the ground ... to which the answer came in this form: Because he fainted. But why did he faint? No answer there. In a similar fashion, the answer that Prager gave about Black imprisonment does not tell why young Blacks commit crimes in the first place. This is flimsy and fragile brain work.

It is an example of how flimsy American intellectualism has become, and how fragile the culture has been rendered. What makes matters even more confusing is that reality has been turned around by the likes of Dennis Prager. Whereas all of America's philosophies were based on the model of Christian beliefs till the advent of the Jews, this Jewish writer now says: “Liberals find it painful to acknowledge that human nature is deeply flawed. This is so since left-wing thought is rooted in secularism, and if you don't believe in God, you had better believe in humanity – or you will despair.” This is right out of the blue, fabricated to suit the occasion.

Moreover, Prager is here denying that there was an American model before the Jews destroyed it, let alone before they unleashed a civil war on each other; one whose effect has been to slash and burn everything in sight and start from scratch. But why are they doing this? Well, they are doing it because they see the need to refashion the silly putty and make it serve their newest preoccupation.

Here is how he put it: “Take the left-wing bumper sticker idea, “War Is Not the Answer.” A little later, he writes this: “One might say that leftism appeals to those who wish to remain innocent children. Growing up and facing the fact that life is messy, difficult, and painful is increasingly a conservative point of view.”

Again, he denies there was anything in America before the Jews came to it. But he is also preparing the population for the moment when an American President will address the latest Jewish preoccupation, and tell the nation he or she has ordered the military to go shock and awe the Iranians in their own homes.