Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Mutilating History to launch a fishing Expedition

It used to be that when someone wanted to throw sand in the gears of a functioning system to impede it or bring it to a grinding halt, he or she would do so discretely because discipline was respected, and was able to maintain a certain level of order.

Permissiveness then began to intrude into the social order where it kept gaining ground to the point that rebels, who wish to throw sand in the gears of the system, now do it openly, and do it with pride to boot. This is what Ted Cruz and a handful of other senators are trying to do now. Cruz himself wrote an article about their effort, under the title: “State Dept. must release the Iran human rights report now,” published on June 16, 2015 in The Washington Times.

What Cruz and his colleagues are trying to do is go on a fishing expedition (normally an unlawful exercise in which to engage) and try to uncover something they can use as excuse to sink the emerging nuclear deal between Iran and six other nations representing the rest of humanity. To get there, Cruz and Company wrote a letter to the State Department asking it to release the Iran human rights report, which they say in-your-face, has the potential to furnish them with the proverbial smoking gun that will kill the nuclear deal.

He says the letter has meant to inform the Department that: “The history of the twentieth century elucidates a dangerous axis between internal suppression of human rights and external aggression.” Ted Cruz then tells his readers that “there is every reason to believe that the mullah's willingness to oppress their own people at home would extend to their perceived enemies around the globe, if they had the means to threaten them.”

Well, the senator will have to tell which planet he is talking about. The fact is that the conquest of weak nations on Planet Earth happened at the hands of more powerful nations because the latter coveted the resources of the weak and went after them by colonizing their weak counterparts. The conquerors then denied everyone else access to the resources; a move that prompted such rising powers as Germany and Japan to attack the colonies as well as the colonial powers.

They did not do it because they were suppressing their own people; they did it because they were able to make the people worship them. Hitler, for example, was said to mesmerize his people with every speech he gave because the population was convinced he had extraordinary powers that made him infallible. This is why he started the war that Stalin, the butcher of his own people, helped liberate Hitler's victims. As for Japan, the culture there made the population believe that the emperor was the God to worship, and it did. When the military decided in his name to go after the Asian neighbors, then go after the United States of America, the population followed “his” command not because he was oppressing it but because it loved him and worshiped him.

And ever since the end of those wars, the paranoia that led to the formation of alliances which encircled other nations because of the Churchill induced paranoia that the latter were about to attack them – made of the United States of America the number one war monger on the planet. It started the Cold War that was instrumental in dragging it and drag its allies into something like four dozen hot conflicts around the globe ... playing the role of the cop that cannot shoot straight.

By the time that the American population had become tired of the wars, and was ready to retrench, the country had been taken over by the Jewish Neocons whose religion is about nothing but war, war, war. They recruited the mentally retarded in the American Congress, and primed them to revive the Churchill paranoia whereby every rival of Israel is described as a terrorist or a sponsor of terrorism, who will eventually attack America and subjugate its people.

This is what Ted Cruz and his colleagues are doing now. Everything they say and everything they do has one purpose and one purpose only, to help mobilize America so that it continues to get involved in perpetual wars going after those who have the potential to rival Israel. And Iran is in their cross-hairs at this time.

With this backgrounder, the reader should be able to go over the Ted Cruz article, and see in it the treasonous intent of the senator and his mentally retarded colleagues.