Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Neocons value ISIS more than America

The Neocons are running around America frothing one thing from one side of the mouth, and frothing another thing from the other side of the mouth. The reason they do so is that the two things are the ingredients that make up a binary bomb. That is, if the things are allowed to come together, they react like matter/anti-matter and poof; they go off in a powerful burst of energy.

The thing that the Neocons say through one side of the mouth is that America is not feared by anyone. The other thing they say is that America fears ISIS. This makes ISIS infinitely more valuable than America in their eyes. And this is the matter/anti-matter bomb they do not want the public to know is being placed in its midst.

This manner of interacting with the society in which they live was not invented by the modern Neocons. It was invented by their forerunners centuries ago when they were calling themselves Jews of the Hebrew sort. That is, it happened when, for some demonic reason, the Jews came under the permanent spell which planted in their heads the notion that it is more enjoyable to snatch a pound of flesh from someone and watch them scream – rather than accept a gift consisting of ten pounds of meat and watch the giver smile his happiness at you.

And ever since that time, the Jews – or their leaders – have been running around scaring the rank and file with stories about how harsh the world is, and how cruel humanity is, including those who smile as they hand you ten pounds of meat … seemingly out of pure generosity. This is how the Jewish leaders keep the scared members of the clan huddled around them, thinking it is the only way they will be protected, and how they will live to enjoy another day in a world that is otherwise harsh and cruel.

And having the rank and file stuck to them like kittens stick to mamma the alley cat, the leaders command the members of the clan to do anything and everything they want them to do at the risk of sacrificing their lives and those of the gentile proxies they bring with them. What they want them to do more than anything else, is to go out and recruit more gentiles of the American sort to inflate their ranks and go after a world that refuses to submit to their will.

From here came the idea that the most important thing a Neocon leader or a lower member of the clan can do, is to sound the alarm, and keep sounding it to scare the daylight out of the American people. The idea is to get the Congress and then get the entire political class to huddle around the Jewish mamma of the alleys, and stick to her while she instructs them on how they can go after a world that loves its independence so much, it would commit an act of kamikaze rather than come under “Waspo-Jewish” dominance.

The way that the Jews operate being to quietly infiltrate a culture, and learn all that they can about it before using its precepts on which to graft their morality, the Neocons have started to use the story of the American Paul Revere who sounded the alarm about an imminent British invasion, and thus scared the public of his time into rallying around him.

What the Neocons are doing is scare the American public of today about an invasion – or something – that an imaginary ragtag army is prepared to unleash against the most powerful military the world has ever seen, and defeat it to then subjugate 320 million souls … forcing the women to wear the veil, and the men to pray five times a day facing Mecca.

William (Bill) Kristol is the biological son of the father who is credited with the conception of the Neocon movement. He took over from his father, doing all that he can to promote the ideals of a movement whose best days are behind it. Kristol's latest work is a piece he wrote under the title: “Where's Paul Revere?” which he published in the Weekly Standard on June 1, 2015.

He begins the discussion with this: “From the beginning, patriots have understood the need to sound the alarm.” He goes on: “Be assured: In today's hour of darkness and peril and need, we at The Weekly Standard are ready to saddle up and sound the alarm.” And that's exactly what he does in the rest of the article.

There is one problem, however. It is that it will take the population of a Planet armed with weapons like those imagined on science fiction star-ships to conquer and occupy America. And these are nowhere to be seen. Perhaps Bill is testing the waters, preparing to give up punditry in favor of writing science fiction.