Thursday, June 11, 2015

Seventy Years of American 'Suckerism'

When the first World War was in progress, different ethnic groups in America pressured their government to enter the war on the side of their preferred causes.

Reluctantly, America responded by participating in that war; ending as it happened on the winning side. But given the brutality of that war, and given the high level of casualties, many in America vowed never to repeat the performance. A quarter century later, however, the vow was forgotten when, in the Middle of the Second World War, America joined a fight that was in progress throughout the hot spots of the Planet.

Yes, America was provoked by the enemy when during the first war; the Germans attacked America's merchant ships. Yes, America was provoked again when during the second war, the Japanese attacked America's fleet anchored in Pearl Harbor. And yes, the pressure of the local ethnic groups must have played a role in making America get over its reluctance, and enter the two wars. But that's not the whole story.

The part of the story that is less well known is that Britain played an important role in convincing America it must enter the two wars on the side of Britain and its allies. But nothing can be said here that will show America was ill-advised by the British. Where the problem begins, however, is when Winston Churchill of Britain exercised his influence on the Americans more than necessary. He did so when he argued that they should stand in opposition to the Soviet Union, a former ally.

That's what prompted America to embark on a policy to contain the Communist World, thus starting the Cold War that ended when the Berlin wall fell. During that time, however, and during the interlude that followed, America paid a high price while Britain, Europe and a few others benefited greatly from America's effort. This is when many around the world began to think of America as the sucker that can be summoned to do the dirty work they would not do for themselves. And so they called on the Americans to intervene on their behalf by telling them what Churchill had told them previously, which is that their national security was threatened. They must act now, they were advised, or suffer the consequences of their inaction later on.

And no one benefited from that state of affairs more than the Jews who labor on behalf of Israel. You can see how they go about doing this by studying the piece which came under the title: “Obama's Latest Iraq Escalation” and the subtitle: “The fight against Islamic State needs more than 450 advisers.” It is an editorial that appeared on June 11, 2015 in the Wall Street Journal, that flagship publication which always reflects the thinking of the Jewish propaganda machine.

What better way is there to make your point forcefully than to begin your argument by telling the American Administration that in sending additional troops to fight in Iraq, it has admitted its timid strategy has so far been a failure? And you follow this by saying that a mere 450 additional troops will not be sufficient because what is needed are spotters to call in air strikes, helicopters to provide air cover, special forces to conduct raids, and at least a three-star general to command the whole enchilada.

That last point is important, say the editors of the Journal, because the general must be “someone with the political clout that made [previous Generals] so effective.” This said, the editors play the armchair generals (or perhaps armchair admirals,) telling the Administration what else will be needed. Talking about a training base in the Iraqi Anbar province, they recommend that it be upgraded to become the headquarter for “a combat brigade of some 4,000 heavily equipped soldiers.”

This said, they come back to the use of intimidation by accusing the Administration of failing in the past because it did not do enough to succeed. And so they warn that this time: “the fundamental problem with Mr. Obama's strategy is that he is so determined to show that the U.S. isn't returning to war in Iraq that he isn't doing enough to win the war we are fighting.”

They add to this the regular diet of reminding the President what he said he will do but failed to deliver; that his fitful bombing and timid special forces have not stopped the Jihadist advances; that Islamic State is a threat to America. And they end with this: “Every day that ISIS holds its conquered territory … it becomes a greater threat to American security.”

Oh, Vietnam quagmire, thy name is creeping escalation! Congratulate the Jews on their victory, and start making the body bags that will bring America's boys and girls to their final resting place – six feet under or in a mental hospital.