Sunday, June 7, 2015

Ongoing Spoof by the Jewish American Cabal

Those who do not understand the young mind do not understand what is happening on the college campuses. And the reason why they do not understand the young mind in the first place is that they do not realize there is one thing called regimentation, another thing called organized structure, and that the two are different things.

The truth is that the young do not like to be regimented because it means telling them what to do and what not to do when, in fact, they like doing their own thing, however senseless it may be. They want to experiment and experience the joy of discovery if and when they make one. But they also want the assurance that the elders will bail them out if they get into trouble. For this reason, they want the world of the elders to be not regimented – as this would reflect on them – but organized and structured. To them, this will serve as a clear map they can use to navigate their way through life.

Furthermore, the young do not see themselves getting into trouble for doing something bad deliberately. No, they believe they are too pure and too innocent for that. And being this clean, they expect the world to be just as clean, which is what makes them idealistic to a fault in the eyes of their elders. And so, when the young see that something is violating their sense of idealism, they protest. This is what they did in past decades with regard to the situations that existed in apartheid South Africa, in White dominated Rhodesia, and in a number of South American countries where the Cuban Che Guevara was fighting American (Gringo) imperialism.

The young also protested against the Vietnam War because of their idealistic stance for one thing, but also because there was conscription in America. They knew that sooner or later they will be drafted and sent to a place far away from home where they will fight a war that was as murderous to American soldiers as it was to Vietnamese soldiers and to their civilian kinfolks.

Well, that was long ago, and little has changed today aside from the fact that apartheid was defeated in South Africa, that White ruled Rhodesia became Black ruled Zimbabwe, and that the Americans were booted out of Vietnam. In the meantime, however, the true face of Israel has been exposed, and the world has seen that those who used to play the victims, turned out to be the aggressors while those they accused of being aggressors turned out to be their victims.

And so the young of America, including many Jews, shifted their empathy from the Jews of Israel who suffered nothing and were given everything, to the Palestinians of the occupied territories who lost everything and were vilified for an aggression they did not commit for the simple reason that they had no means to commit it.

Realizing that this reversal of the truth happened because (unlike the situations in South Africa, Rhodesia and Vietnam who fought their battles alone) the entity calling itself Israel was and continues to be supported by the Jewish establishment in America whose activities are shredding the American Bill of Rights, in addition to posing a serious threat to the Middle East, America and the world.

The crux of this matter is discussed from the Israeli point of view in an interview that was conducted by Lally Weymouth for the Washington Post, and published under the title: “Israel's education minister: 'I don't believe in giving up our land'” on May 29, 2015. The interview itself was then discussed from the point of view of the Jewish establishment in America in an article that was written by Mark Hemingway and published in the Weekly Standard under the title: “Washington Post Asks: Can you Oppose Palestinians and still be 'Modern and Hip'?” on June 1, 2015.

The Post's interview is typical of the effort that is constantly being staged in America to whitewash the crimes against humanity which Israel has been committing on a continuous basis for half a century. As to the reaction in the Weekly Standard, it is the way that the discussion about Israel's crimes is being trivialized and morphed into a discussion about American pop culture.

It is now clear that these people trivialized the Holocaust committed against them by overdoing the things that allowed them to claim more compensation than they deserve. So, the question: Why would they not trivialize the Holocaust they are themselves committing against the Palestinian people? is really not too difficult to ask.

And while this Jewish spoof is ongoing, attention is diverted by the changing of the scene; something that happens when a new topic – right out of the blue – is introduced into the discussion. An example of this came under the title: “I still blame the Communists” and the subtitle: “What explains the years of rage on campuses?” It was written by Joseph Bottum and published on June 6, 2015 in the Weekly Standard.

Thus, while America is enabling the terrorist state of Israel to keep committing crimes against humanity, it is clearly seen how the Jewish establishment creates the noise that tells the public at large – and the young themselves – they are being influenced by the lost causes of a bygone era … which is why they should let America and Israel finish off the Palestinians to 'finish the job.'