Friday, June 12, 2015

It's not America leaving but the one going in

Benny Avni says ISIS is booming everywhere America has left a void.

Actually that is the title of the column he published in the New York Post on June 10, 2015. But the reality is that ISIS exists to begin with only because America – commanded by Israel and the local Jewish lobby – went on a rampage in the Middle East, and created voids by toppling the existing regimes under the guise of changing them for something better.

Israel and the Jewish lobby may like the chaos they created there, but it is beginning to scare them in the same way that young hooligans eventually get scared by a situation they created themselves when they see that it got out of hand. What scares them even more is that they realize how well the prank they engineered to scare the Congress, has worked on that assembly of the mentally retarded. The prank worked so well, in fact, that the legislators went from a lethargic state into a full panic mode in less time than it takes to say boo.

Avni wants us to believe that the promise in Libya – as it was everywhere else in the Arab world – was to “help Arabs overthrow a long-ruling anti-American tyrant.” This said, he does something very Jewish in that he turns reality upside down. Look what he says next: “[we] then immediately waved goodbye, violating Colin Powell's old rule, 'You break it, you own it.'” This is a misrepresentation of what Powell had said. What he did was to warn that America must not go into places so fragile, they can break. If this happens, America will be responsible for the chaos that will result, and will be obligated to pay to fix the damage it caused.

Avni turned that reality upside down because he and the Jewish lobby want to see the implementation of a Middle Eastern Pax Americana. This is a construct that happened before, and can be repeated in the same old way again: “tens of thousands of American troops remain stationed in Germany and Japan … In Korea, American GIs still secure the 38 th parallel.” But Avni is upset because Obama “made it his life mission to 'end wars'” by withdrawing American troops from the places where they are not welcome.

And there is worse, he goes on to say, because current presidential candidates from both parties are doubling down on “Obama's all-butter-no-guns sentiment.” In effect, Benny Avni is howling: Has the world gone mad or something? You have all these prominent Americans wishing that people everywhere live and let live; also have food on their tables. The poor Benny, he must see a mad world that's about to fall off the cliff.

America had done half the work by toppling several regimes in the Middle East in places like “post-Khadafy Libya” which became so chaotic, it offered an ideal excuse to send in American troops and occupy the place for an indefinite period of time. But this is not what Obama did to the chagrin of Benny Avni. What happened instead was that ISIS moved in when it saw Jewish America desecrate Arab property by its presence.

The author then does something which tells the reader that the dark side of this man's humanity has taken control of him, and is preventing him from realizing what he is saying. The thing is that if an individual desires something so badly as to develop an obsession about it, the desire can transform into a narrative that takes on the quality of hallucination. If the condition persists, the individual will come to believe that the hallucination is a reality that will materialize and become a tangible event sooner or later.

This is the stage at which Benny Avni finds himself now. And here is the passage that so indicates: “At one point Americans will awaken and realize that such voids are our problem, too. That will happen when an enemy hits us badly, or preferably, before that – when a presidential candidate makes the case for reversing America's strategy in the last six years.”

Notice his use of the word “preferably.” It indicates that he has gone beyond hallucination, and is now swimming in the realm of wishful thinking. In fact, Benny Avni wants to see America get hit so badly by an enemy, the public will clamor for the realization of a Jewish led Pax Americana.

This will please the Jews everywhere, of course, and will give Israel what it always wanted, a giant American sucker standing by it like a bodyguard to protect it while it goes on a rampage in the neighborhood.