Friday, June 5, 2015

How the dignified lost their Dignity

There was a time when the words 'Think Tank' engendered awe in those who were hearing them because the act of thinking referred to the awesomeness of human existence in the Cartesian sense of “I think, therefore I am.” Something then happened that allowed those tanks to be infested with a debilitating disease, and the tanks were transformed into a place where human thinking was gradually replaced by demonic scheming.

What happened was that long before the expression: “connecting the dots” had come into the open and regular use; it was used stealthily by the Jewish propaganda machine to give the impression that a mind operating at a higher level was here and was going to lead to marvelous new discoveries. The result was that the trusting and authentic intellectuals of the time became so excited by the prospect, they gradually ceded the leadership of the tanks to agents of the Jewish cabal. Thus started the infestation which transformed the tanks from “thinking' into what can only be called 'septic' tanks containing all sorts of Jewish excretion you can imagine and smell.

It may have been difficult to detect the workings of that operation before 2003 – the year of “Shock and Awe” – but the activities of the tanks started to become so intense as we approached that moment, connecting the dots in the Jewish style had taken on the look of a growth industry no thinking human could miss. It will be easy for historians to go back now and follow the fake connecting dots that led to the certainty Iraq was hiding weapons of mass destruction.

From following the money, to the smuggling of high performing computers, to the diversion of aluminum tubing, to the trajectory of yellow cake, the signs were all there, leading to the conclusion that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. And so, from the most trusted publications to the least trusted rags, they all lined up to compete at publishing the most damaging stories pointing to the guilt of Iraq. There was one problem with each of these stories, however, they were either false or, if true, they meant no more than saying: Saddam Hussein has nuclear weapons because someone was spotted wearing brown shoes on a Wednesday. It was a manifestation of intellectualism that earned the saying: intellectual masturbation of the most Jewish kind.

And this is what you see repeated now in connection with the Iranian nuclear activities. Two pieces make up the opening salvos that will most certainly lead to more of this kind of presentations. One piece came under the title: “Paying Tehran's Bills” and the subtitle: “Sanctions relief will only empower Iran.” It was written by Lee Smith and published on June 4, 2015 in the Weekly Standard. The other piece is actually an editorial of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) that came under the title: “Sanctions Relief for Hezbollah” and the subtitle: “How Iran is likely to spend its $50 billion from nuclear deal.” It was published on June 5, 2015.

The opening sentence of the WSJ editorial tells you right away how frivolous this Jewish exercise in intellectual self-massaging is now, and how it will develop in the days and weeks to come. Look at this: “U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew recently speculated that 'most of the money Iran receives from sanctions relief will not go toward...' Recent events in Gambia and Cyprus suggest otherwise.” That is, the editors are saying, forget Jack Lew's speculation, and consider our speculation because it connects the dots from Gambia to Cyprus.

And they go on to tell their version of the brown shoes spotted on a Wednesday, to then end with this: “Imagine what they could achieve with the estimated $50 billion that will be Obama's down payment toward a nuclear deal.”

As to the Lee Smith contribution, he starts as follows: “Even the Obama administration acknowledges … However the White House continues to insist … according to Jack Lew, Iran will use the money to improve its domestic economy … The numbers say otherwise...” The same intellectual massage as that of the WSJ, and the same stuff you find in a septic tank arranged inside a showcase that looks like a think tank.

And so, he too goes on to tell his version of the brown shoes spotted on a Wednesday, to end with this: “Sanctions relief will abet Iran's regional goals. The signing bonus alone will cover the cost of … thousands more dead Syrian civilians.”

And that, my friend, was the method that the Jewish cabal used to take over the respected think tanks of America, turning them into septic tanks now stinking the entire planet. And they are trying to repeat that same operation. They never learn.