Monday, June 29, 2015

Mental Cases doubting the Sanity of the Sane

Even though the subject matter is serious, the way that the editors of the New York Daily News discuss it, hints at an element of comedy, though their approach as a whole is sickeningly tedious and tiresome. You get these conflicting emotions when you read: “Buckling to the mullahs,” an editorial that also came under the subtitle: “Counting the many dangers in Obama's approach to the Iran nuclear deal.” It was published on June 28, 2015 in the Daily News.

Speaking of Barack Obama – twice elected President of the United States of America – the editors begin by saying this: “His judgment will determine how easily Iran can acquire a nuclear weapon.” Having decided that his judgment is faulty, they set out to counter it with their own judgment … which they must believe is sound. How do they do that? There is only one way: it is to show that both the President and the Iranian leaders are insane.

And so, they accuse the President of paying a “recklessly dangerous price” by failing to press Iran “to abandon the covert and illegal program by which the mullahs plan to dominate the region.” But how do they know that the mullahs have a covert program, or that they wish to dominate the region? Aha! Good question, say the editors, because they have the answer that even Obama does not know about.

You see, Barack may only fancy “that he can police with certainty the internal machinations of the [Iranian] regime,” but they know for certain that he cannot. That's because they know for certain something he doesn't know. It is that the regime of the ayatollahs is “the world's most duplicitous regime.” Duplicitous, eh! Okay, you say, but how do they know that? Aha again! They exclaim for, this is another good question. And boy, oh boy, do they have an answer for it; a voluminous answer at that.

Before they get to it, however, you need to know something about two historical facts. The first is that in their effort to destroy the late Yasser Arafat, the Israelis created a secret Palestinian organization and trained its members to sabotage his efforts at unifying the various Palestinian factions. But after the training, and after receiving material support from the Jews, the members of that organization trashed the instructions they were given by which they were to harm their own kind, and turned instead against the Jews. Now calling themselves Hamas, these Palestinians made use of the Israeli training to fight the Jewish occupation of Palestine.

The second historical fact you need to know is that up until the Oslo talks, the Palestinian resistance movement, headed by Arafat, lived in exile – in one Arab country or another, at one time or another. Its leaders happened to live in Lebanon when the Israelis decided to invade that country and destroy the movement. The Israelis failed in their objective when the Palestinian leaders moved to Tunisia. But what the Israelis managed to accomplish was the destruction of Lebanon. As it happens all the time – because the government could not protect the population – the people of Lebanon organized themselves and formed militias that took up arms to defend themselves and their families. This is how a new force was born in Lebanon, calling itself Hezbollah.

Now, in case you wondered why the editors of the New York Daily News used the word 'duplicitous' to describe the Iranian regime, the above history may provide the answer. It is that Israel directly created Hamas, and was responsible for the creation of Hezbollah. When it could not control them, Iran took them under its wing. Because the word duplicitous means double-dealing, the editors saw the switch from Israel to Iran as being duplicitous. This is the only way that the language of the editors can be explained.

In any case, based on the realities which exist on the ground, the editors of the New York publication want the world to believe that they are sane, that the Israelis are sane and that the Jews of the world are all sane. They also want the world to believe that no one who is not their friend is sane. More importantly they want the world to believe that “Obama acts as though the [Iranians] are led by rational men,” when in fact, he is only dreaming, and is about to enter a nightmare.

And what would the nightmare be? It would be that the frozen assets of the Iranians are about to be released. This means that “Khamenei gets $140 billion in blood money and property,” say the editors to whom getting your money back means getting blood money. Go figure it yourself, my friend, and don't ask me to explain.

These characters go further and say that “all evidence indicates that a Strangelovian mania has caused Obama to lose touch with the safety of the world far beyond the Middle East.”

By that, they mean the Obama administration is composed of the insane that need to be guided by those who created Hamas, and were responsible for the creation of Hezbollah.

Which – to the rest of humanity – sounds not like Dr. Strangelove but more like one flew over the cuckoo's nest.

Now you know what it means to say that the inmates have taken over the asylum.