Thursday, June 11, 2015

Priming the Jewish Propaganda Machine

In priming itself for the legal battles ahead, the Jewish propaganda machine has commissioned Willy Stern, a Jewish American lawyer, to make the case that Israel is so pure and so above reproach, it must remain above the law because no matter what the world knows about it, Israel is never guilty of anything; therefore must not be prosecuted for anything. To say otherwise is to demonstrate that humanity is guilty of something ... whatever that may be … perhaps guilty of the prevalent genetic defect known as anti-Semitism.

And Willy Stern has tried to make that case in an article which came under the title: “Attorneys at War” and the subtitle: “Inside an elite Israeli military law unit,” published on June 11, 2015 in the Weekly Standard. He used as backdrop the war that Israel unleashed on Gaza during the months of July and August in the year 2014, because that's where the Palestinian Authority will begin its prosecution of Israel at the International Criminal Court for the war crimes that were committed by Israeli soldiers.

The 5,000 words presentation is unmistakably Jewish. In essence, it goes something like this: “Here is our story which you do not need to hear from someone else. Here is the story of the Palestinians which you do not need to hear from someone else, especially not the Palestinians. And getting this information from us makes it unnecessary to have a court case, or testimony from representatives of the United Nations, or the human rights groups or any independent witness. We give you a package that contains everything you need to know … something you must accept without asking questions lest you display your own anti-Semitism.”

So you read the presentation to see if it is so exhaustive it leaves no question unanswered. And right there, at the very beginning, you encounter this passage: “The Israeli military told the enemy where the IDF would enter the village and when. Hamas fighters dug their own forces deeper, activated booby-traps, hid IEDs, got snipers into perfect positions brought in additional fighters, pre-positioned weapons and readied their terror tunnels.”

Even though Willy Stern says you must not listen to the Palestinian side of the story, or to anyone else's account of similar incidences, you cannot forget what you already heard, which is that the Israelis told the Palestinians where to go to be safe, and that's where waves upon waves of warplanes attacked, killing the civilians that went there. And so, you think of the questions that you could ask in this regard; questions for which the International Criminal Court is well suited to bring out the answers.

You then hit on another passage that is made up of several paragraphs which begin like this: “A manual prepared by Hamas advocates that fighters embed themselves among Palestinian innocents, in the hope that the IDF will kill civilians.” In court, you will want to see this manual, and you will want to have it translated from the Arabic by an independent party because the translation provided by Stern raises some serious questions. It does so when you take into account what he said about the Hamas people meticulously preparing to confront the invading Israelis. How did the civilian population factor into that paradigm?

Here is what Stern goes on to say: “Translated from the Arabic, the manual proclaims, 'Collateral damage to civilians increases the hatred of the citizens towards the attackers and increases their gathering around the city defender.' There you have it: Hamas calls for helping to kill its own civilians.” And so you ask: How does an empirical observation translates into helping the Israelis kill Hamas's own civilians? You want a Jew to stand in court and give his “perfectly logical” explanation to that question.

The infamous passage continues like this: “Then there is the time that Palestinian families were seen scurrying up the rooftop right after the IDF had warned civilians to evacuate. Why? Who knows for sure.” So here it is, from the certainty that Hamas calls for helping to kill its own civilians, the writer now hesitates and says that he is not sure what was happening. Still, he offers to guess: “The most likely explanation is that the Hamas people knew a win-win situation when they saw one. They have been known to force families into harm's way.” Well, because people who are forced into harm's way do not scurry to it, you want the Criminal Court to find out what was happening there … if indeed, something was happening.

Far from making a case that Israel must not be prosecuted, Willy Stern has made the case for Israelis to be brought to court and cleared of all charges if found innocent … or sentenced appropriately if found guilty. This is how the civilized world works. And humanity has run out of patience for anymore Jewish absurdities.

I may be off for a day or two because of health reasons.