Thursday, September 24, 2015

A dishonest Lecturer, a deceptive Lecture

I normally do not get involved when two writers are having an argument, and I will not this time. What I'll do, however, is correct as many errors as I can in what Clifford D. May is saying in his lecture to Ann Coulter ... who wondered “How many f–ing Jews” are there in America?

May's lecture came in the form of an article under the title: “Why Republican presidential candidates support Israel” and the subtitle: “A few points Ann Coulter might want to consider.” The article was published on September 22, 2015 in The Washington Times.

Let me say at the outset that I am of Egyptian origin which means I am of Hamito-Semitic stock. That is, I am at least a half Semite, confirmed by my physical attributes which are comparable to the paintings and the carvings of ancient Egyptians; the people among whom I have roots. What annoys me is that Clifford May, who does not remotely look like a Semite, is taking liberty defining what is Semitic and what is anti-Semitic. He, in effect, stole my identity and he is monetizing it by taking advantage of people who have no idea what he is up to.

For all I know, he may be the descendant of a Caucasian child that the Jews kidnapped generations ago to make themselves look Caucasians, or he may be the child of someone that converted to Judaism for one reason or another, or he may be an imposter like the Soviet citizens who pretended to be Jewish to get out of the USSR when the government there opened the door for the Jews to get out.

Here is what Clifford May says about anti-Semitism: “It morphs but never dies. It's a derangement syndrome. Those afflicted cannot be reasoned out of it because they weren't reasoned into it.” Well, the fact that the phenomenon never died means it was fueled by something everywhere the Jews went, and during all the time they existed. The fact being that the one thing common to those places and those moments were the Jews themselves and only the Jews, it must be that the syndrome which May calls a derangement, is a Jewish affliction and nothing else. That is, the derangement he is talking about is a property that's exclusive to Clifford May and those like him, not the property of a Coulter or a Habachi or for that matter, an Obama.

And neither is that derangement the property of the original Caucasians who are now called Iranians. Like the Egyptians, these people have a long history of high culture and civilization with roots as solid as rock. They did not kidnap children of other races to change their looks, and they did not steal the identity of others, or monetize their crime to live at the expense of those they swindle.

So the question is this: “Who are the people that the Jews swindle – the reason why Ann Coulter felt compelled to describe the swindlers as “f–ing Jews”? They are the American people … Ann Coulter's people; those who ultimately pay the price in fulfillment of the largess exhibited by politicians like the four horsemen of the electoral Apocalypse: Christie, Huckabee, Rubio and Cruz; those who generously give away American lives and American treasure in exchange for services they expect from the Jews, and will never receive.

These syphilis-sucking politicians do what they do not because they believe that all four of them will be elected presidents to govern one and the same republic, but because they are peeing and crapping in their pants for fear that the Jews; yes those f–ing Jews, will badmouth them to extinction if they don't pay up with OPM. They are the characters who have skeletons in the closet, the ones who are easy to blackmail. When this happens, their only recourse is to buy the silence of the Jews and pay with the most valuable possession that America has; the things that belong to Ann Coulter and to her people. That's why they are, in her eyes, those f–ing Jews.

Nor do these Jews, be they f–ing or not, restrict themselves to blackmailing only politicians. They do it to the American public at large by launching scary campaigns of demagoguery like the one that May is waving in Coulter's face. Here is what he says in this regard: “They [Iranians] don't need ICBMs to mass-murder Israelis. They need ICBMs to deliver nukes to targets on the other continents. Like the one you and I live on.”

This done, the Jews retain the sort of poll takers who know how to formulate the questions that draw the answers they seek from respondents. In this case, the answer they sought was: “we're scared too,” and that's what they got from the public.

The writer goes on to say that the Israelis never asked American soldiers to defend them. This is false. But even if true, so what? The fact remains that Jewish and non-Jewish Americans volunteer to do so on their own, many being children of prominent American personalities. Not only that, but some have dual citizenship and live in Israel or in America till they are needed. There is also the fact that in 1973, the Americans participated directly in the war to slow down the Egyptian forces that had crossed the Canal. The Jews also engineered America's assault on the Sudan, Iraq and Libya … all that to protect Israel before there was danger to it.

What is also noteworthy is that other youngsters from the West, including America, are duplicating those same approaches for the benefit of what they view as the other side. They volunteer to join the fight in the ongoing melee because they see it as the thing to do. They take with them a level of savagery such as the locals never witnessed before. In fact, it is youngsters from the English speaking West that conducted the acts of public beheading we know of.

All in all, the lecture that Clifford May has given Ann Coulter is a dishonest one because it aims to deceive the readers as to why mankind rejects certain behaviors … whether committed by Jews or by others. The difference is that all others take the hint and cease being f–ing whatever, whereas the Jews double down on their antics and call those who do not like them anti-Semites.