Sunday, September 6, 2015

Give Money to Israel, says Ben Cardin

The cyclical game that the Judeo-Israeli gang has been playing has not changed in half a century. It goes like this (1) Israel commits an act of aggression against a neighbor; (2) the neighbor responds one way or another; (3) the Israelis and the Jews in America cry out: existential threat, existential threat … gimme money, America – gimme money, America; (4) America borrows shiploads of cash from the Chinese and sends it to Israel.

You wait a few months and the cycle is repeated with monotonous cadence over and over and over again. This is the game that the Judeo-Israeli gang, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, has been playing with regard to the nuclear deal which America and five other nations have negotiated with Iran. And this is the game in which Senator Ben Cardin is now participating. He does so with the article he wrote under the title: “I will vote against the Iran Deal,” published in the Washington Post on September 4, 2015.

Even though Cardin says, “this is a close call, but after a lengthy review, I will vote to disapprove the deal,” he goes on to promise, “I will introduce legislation to strengthen the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act.” And he reveals that in the legislation, he'll make four new demands on America; one being – what else? – “authorize a security assistance for Israel.”

But of course, we know that when the Judeo-Israeli gang says security, it does not mean military security given that no one has – at this time or any time – threatened Israel. Rather, it means food security in view of the fact that Israel is a Jewish enclave that cannot feed itself because too many of its young opt to study the bible, and rely on American generosity instead of working.

And to buy food – incidentally, from the same neighbors that Israel never stops provoking – the enclave needs money, money, money. And there is usually no surefire source from which to get that money but the suckers of America. And the suckers always come through because they harbor among their ranks the likes of Ben Cardin.

Given all those realities, what will make the Jewish demand on America appear to history as one of the most pornographic situations ever to unfold on Planet Earth, is the juxtaposition of the Jews asking the superpower for money while refugees are streaming out of the region and dying by the hundreds as they flee the non-stop holocausts that the Jews have been inflicting on the region.

And the Jews have been playing that game of horror using weapons, money and diplomatic cover supplied to them by America. They have been playing the game by inciting the mentally deficient captains of the American ship of state, to mount a regime of sanctions or to bomb Israel's neighbors for daring to develop economically, technologically or scientifically.

It is that same mentality which now prompts Ben Cardin to lament: “After Iran has received sanctions relief, it will be difficult to effectively re-impose sanctions.” Indeed, if there is one thing that frightens Cardin and the Jews who think like him, it is that the Iranians will get back their own money – that which the American Congress of the mentally deficient had impounded. You can see how important to the Jewish game that criminal practice has been when you read Cardin's own words: “Worse, Iran would be economically strengthened by frighteningly quick relief from sanctions and international economic engagement.”

As if this were not enough, Cardin voices his objection to the following: “The agreement talks about normalization of economic relations with Iran and states that the parties shall 'implement this [agreement] in good faith … based on mutual respect.'” But why is he objecting to that? Because he says: “There cannot be respect for a country that actively foments regional instability, and kills the innocent.”

But the truth is that Iran is so respected by everyone, people from everywhere seek to do business with it even before the sanctions are lifted. So you ask: Where do the Cardin accusations come from? And you'll not be surprised to learn that the situation he attributes to Iran is what's happening to Israel. It is Israel and not Iran that no one respects because it foments regional instability and commits genocide. This is why there is a powerful movement in the world, even in America to boycott Israel.

So the burning question that must be asked at this time: How can an American of any stripe look at the pornographic relationship tying his country to Israel, contrast what he sees with the sight of refugees streaming out of the region, and not be revolted by what his country has wrought while under Jewish influence?