Friday, September 25, 2015

The perpetual Holocaust begging Machine

The Jewish propaganda machine came up with a new quip in fulfillment of the Jewish never ending quest to make humanity accept the notion it is screwed up because it refuses to recognize the Jews as having special privileges which give them one hundred percent right to everything that exists, and zero percent obligation to anything. The quip boils down to four simple words: antisemitism is a derangement.

And while the Jews believe that every human being that does not convert to the Judaic movement – which they say rises to the level of a religious belief – remains a deranged person by genetic disposition, the human race has determined long ago that to embrace a belief does not change the genetic make-up of people, but can change their character.

Thus, while it is unlikely that humanity has pogromed and holocausted the Jews everywhere on the planet and throughout time because it is deranged and refuses to be cured by converting to Judaism – it is more likely that converting to Judaism is what turns people into warmongers. When these people cause the wars that inflict pain and suffering on the innocent, humanity turns against them to pogrom or holocaust them.

How this never-ending cycle starts, develops and ends, only to start again, can be understood by studying the article that Michael Makovsky wrote under the title: “What Next?” published on September 25, 2015 in the Weekly Standard. It is about the nuclear deal that six nations, including America, have concluded with Iran on behalf of the world. It is also the deal that the Jews opposed before the negotiations had started, opposed it during the negotiations, and oppose it now that the deal has been concluded. Their reason for doing this has been one and only one: they wanted war, war, war.

And war is what Makovsky is calling for in his article. To make the point, he walks the path that the Jews have walked since President Obama was elected to office. That is, they have been teasing the Americans with the reproach that no one in the world respects them anymore because Obama abandoned the role of leadership that America used to play, having a powerful military to back it. Now that the military has gotten weak, the consequences have been these: “blunders in withdrawing from Iraq, drawing but not enforcing a red line in Syria, and declaring quasi-war but doing very little against the Islamic State, the Iran deal was the straw that broke the camel's back of American credibility.”

This is putting the world in mortal danger, he goes on to say, which is why something must be done. And so he asks: What is to be done? How does one begin? And he tells of four considerations that must be included in a national security policy.

First, he says, don't obsess about sanctions – which proved ineffective – but make them only a supporting element of a new policy against Iran. Second, he says, stick to what works which is a credible military threat. To prove this point, he speculates that Qaddafi of Libya gave up the quest to build a nuclear arsenal because Saddam Hussein was toppled. He calls this speculation “an empirical record” yet ignores the actual empirical record of Syria's Assad not being impressed by America's red line. Go figure.

Makovsky goes on to explain his third point. He says he hopes the next president of the United States will walk away from the deal and use the military threat to scare Iran. He does not explain why Iran – that is as much as a hundred times more powerful than Syria – would fear an American air attack when Syria was not. Still, he goes on to the fourth point which is to “boost the military capability of Israel.” And this is where he calls on the Congress to play a role.

He makes that call because he is about to ask for something he knows that no American President – even a mentality retarded one – will ever accept. Since the Congress, which is populated by hundreds of the mentally retarded, has proven time and again it will go to any extreme if taken there by a Jew, Makovsky asks that B-52 bombers and bunker busting bombs be given to Israel.

And so he ends his presentation like this: “When we have an American leader willing to prevent a nuclear Iran, that president must have the tools – as must the Israelis – to do the job.”

And you can hear 7 billion human beings wonder: When are they begging for the next holocaust to happen?