Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Imagine the Intensity of their Contempt

There is the saying that the truth usually comes out the mouth of babies. This is probably true in real life because the mind of babies have not developed enough to understand the consequences of what they may reveal to people that must not be privy to certain truths.

And so, it happens that John Podhoretz whose mind has not developed beyond that of a baby, has inadvertently revealed something that was kept hidden from the American public. It is the intensity of the contempt that the Jews secretly harbor for the American people, their constitution and their democracy. They harbor such contempt not because the American system did not serve them well over the years – on the contrary, they developed all that contempt because they were able to make the system work for them better than anyone had imagined.

What Podhoretz did this time to reveal that truth, is write an article which came under the title: “Spitting on the Constitution to pass the Iran deal,” published on September 8, 2015 in the New York Post. He discusses the provision which gives 41 senators the power to prevent a bill from coming to a vote, thus accomplish what a lone senator is able to when filibustering a bill that he or she does not like.

What is noteworthy about this article is the gusher of contempt that the little one is unleashing for what he views as being a deficiency in the American system of governance. However uneducated the kid may be, he must know that this system did not start with Barack Obama, the current President. So why is he saying: “Welcome to the Bizarro World of Barack Obama's Washington”? He is saying it because when babies hate someone and they hate something, they call the thing by the name of the one, and the thing automatically takes on the badness of the one.

And since in the eyes of baby John, Barack Obama is the worst thing that happened to the universe as well as to what was there before the Big Bang, the baby means to convey the notion that the filibuster of “Mr. Smith goes to Washington” was a bad idea all along, except that no one realized it till he was born – a momentous event that happened for the purpose of revealing the truth to the world. And he insists this is not a bizarro idea.

Come to think of it, that sentiment is shared by all the Jews who do not like the Iran nuclear deal. Their contempt for the way that the administration handled the subject, is the same as that of Podhoretz. This being the case, we must now ask: what were the Jews thinking of the American people, their constitution and their democracy when they were pulling parliamentary tricks a thousand times more contemptible than the filibuster?

In fact, they used the rider provision to pass laws that made America look like a bumbling clown in the eyes of the world. And they manipulated the quorum rules to pass resolutions that made America look like a mental case in the eyes of the world. They did all that while securing at least one member of each party, thus called their handicraft a bipartisan effort. And they used at least one chairman of committee to tell the world that the effort was approved by the leadership of the Congress.

In view of all that, can we really answer the earlier question without taking into account the title of the article: “Spitting on the Constitution to pass the Iran deal”? No, we cant because we must now see that if the filibuster is spitting on the Constitution in the eyes of the Jews, doing what they have been doing during all those decades was nothing less in their eyes than piss on the Constitution and crap all over it, all over the American people and all over their system of governance.

The Jews used the existing set up to their advantage while harboring this much contempt for the people whose generosity they exploited during all those decades. But now that, for once, the system has not work for them, they have allowed for all that contempt to gush out; a signal to the world that they are unhappy with America.

Look how the kid ends his mumbling: “To call this a scandal doesn't begin to do justice to what it is. It suggests we are turning into a banana republic, whose leaders spit on a Constitution whose purpose is to restrain the ambitions of strongmen and their shameful toadies.”

They don't like strongmen running their country for the benefit of their people; they like strongmen who mouth-fart strong insults at people they choose to be their enemies of the day.