Saturday, September 26, 2015

Taught by the Rote of Dogmas, they are now lost

A remarkable thing happened last week that should serve as a guiding light to the future historians who will want to study the effect that the Jewish cultural tsunami has had on America's foreign policy. Here is a hint: “That sounds like an Administration moving to reverse its demand for Mr. Assad's ouster.”

It is a small part of what the editors of the Wall Street Journal wrote in a piece they published under the title: “Putin's Syria Tour de Force” and the subtitle: “Before: Russia is 'doomed to fail.' Now: Obama is happy to talk,” published on September 20, 2015.

The idea that there has been a policy reversal is a big thing in itself, but that's not the whole story because the rest of the quote goes like this: “It also coincides with the Administration's admission that its feeble attempts to arm a credible opposition to the Assad regime have failed – a failure for which White House spokesman Josh Earnest had the ill grace to blame on critics of Mr. Obama's Syria policy.”

Note that “critics of Mr. Obama's Syria policy” is code to mean the demands that were developed in the form of dogmas by the Judeo-Israeli lobby, and spread among the mob of Jewish pundits and their followers who echo-amplified them into the tsunami that swept aside all other arguments. What was left in the end was the call to oust the Assad regime, a call that was compounded by the drawing of a red line which Assad was warned not cross but apparently did without being bombed as promised.

Now, the Obama Administration is reversing itself, say the editors of the Journal – and this means it is brushing aside the Jewish call for violence in favor of doing something else. They tell what that thing is … not by describing it as the quest to reach a peaceful settlement, but describing it as a strategy devised by the evil Vladimir Putin of Russia who pulled a tour de force on Obama and scored a big success. Thus, the editors of the Journal have expressed a preference for destruction over the peaceful approach that's in the offing.

That was the stance of the Journal's editors on September 20. Four days later, they came up with a new piece which they wrote under the title: “Putin Is on a Syria Roll” and the subtitle: “His arms gambit wins a meeting with Obama in New York. Oh-oh.” What they lament this time is the crumbling of another dogma; one that was formulated by the Jewish propaganda machine to the effect that Putin must be isolated diplomatically.

What future historians will establish from all that, is the fact that America's paralysis and its descent into irrelevance did not come about by chance, but happened as a result of its adherence to dogmas that were put down by the Jews at the start of every policy consideration. The worst part is that the Jews did what they did to force the American government into taking positions that satisfied the Jewish penchant for the theatrics of talking tough and going nowhere instead of putting together a comprehensive strategy that would have served the interests of America and the world.

Now that the Jewish approach has been repudiated by Josh Earnest, signaling America's desire to resume operating on the world stage the way that a superpower is supposed to, the Jewish establishment is running around like a chicken whose head has been cut off. It is a spectacle that is staged editorially by the performance of the pundits in charge of the Wall Street Journal's editorial page.

You can see their disarray in what they said on September 20, and what they said on September 24.

Here is their stance on the 20th: “Secretary of Defense Carter's call to Russian counterpart to explore 'mechanisms for deconfliction' in Syria … Mr. Obama has gone from warning Russia to seeking face-to-face talks with Moscow … the Secretary of State wants to restart peace to reach a political settlement for the Syrian civil war.” And so they volunteer their advice: “The only hope the U.S. now has of a decent settlement in Syria is to create … a model of what it did in Iraq in the 1990s, with the explicit aim of arming a militia to destroy the Assad regime.”

And here is their stance on the 24th: “President Obama agreed to meet with him [Putin] during the U.N. General Assembly in New York … Russia is blowing up Obama's Syria and Iraq strategy, and he'd better see what the strongman wants … Now Putin knows he can make further strategic gains … imagine his potential wish list.” And so they go on to tell what the list may contain.

What we see here are editors whose war dogmas have been swamped by Russia's comprehensive strategy to bring peace to a Middle East that was turned into a hellhole by Israel and its Jewish contacts in the American Congress.

The editors of the Journal fail to understand what Putin is doing, and fail to see that Obama understood what Putin is doing. They wish to replicate in Syria what they caused America to do in Iraq, because it is the only thing they are able to grasp.

Whatever condition America and the world will be in when the future will come and people will examine that record, they will be amazed at the reality of Jewish shallowness, and paradoxically, the power it has had to drain even a superpower.