Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Deceit in the Use of a slipshod Technicality

Bill Kristol who is the editor of the Weekly Standard and also the chairman of the Emergency Committee for Israel has issued a statement on behalf of the entire Judeo-Israeli propaganda machine, calling on the Congress of the United States of America to use a technicality and emasculate itself so as to make the eunuch that's Netanyahu feel like he is a big man of the Homo Erectus variety. Nothing here says what's erect about him.

Michael Warren who is also of the Weekly Standard, tells you about that statement in an article he wrote under the title: “Congress Shouldn't Vote on Iran Deal Without Side Deal Details,” published – where else? – in the Weekly Standard on September 7, 2015. What he does in the article, is simply reprint what Kristol wrote on the website of the Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI).

Now – as an aside before we go on with the discussion – if there is any doubt left in you to the effect that Jewish and Israeli are one and the same, that fusion of the two, should constitute proof enough to ally those doubts. And what remains when this happens, is that the Jewish lobby getting apoplectic when you call it Jewish instead of Israeli, is nothing more than a theatrical performance of the cheap kind. Worse, it is of the Jewish kind.

Now, the content of the Kristol-ECI statement. It says that an agreement reached between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has not been provided to Congress as yet, and until this is done, the Congress should go into a state of hibernation – which it loves doing anyway. Therefore, what those Jews are asking for is to rely on a technicality – a trick normally frowned upon – not only to freeze the business of America, but to freeze it for the benefit of a foreign entity.

This is possible to do, says Kristol, because the deal with Iran came about as a result of legislation passed by the Congress stipulating that the Administration must provide Congress with “any additional materials … all side agreements … whether entered into prior to the 'agreement' or implemented in the future.” The fact is that all which Congress needs to know has been provided, and if there is something more it has a legitimate need to know, will be provided.

But if there is anything that comes out of this chicanery, it is that future legislation must never, never, never again be written in such a way as to anticipate what might happen in the future, and provide a response to it now. And that's because what will most certainly happen in the future is that what was anticipated will happen – will happen differently. And this will provide people of ill-will – which the Jews always are – with a reason to freeze the business of America and fast-track the business of the Judeo-Israeli gang.

Now look how Kristol wants to use a meaningless technicality to freeze the business of America because this is what will serve Israel best: “Congress should not accept this evasion of the law by the Obama Administration. Congress should insist on the text of this and any other side agreements. Lacking this, Congress can and should take the position that the Iran deal has not been properly submitted to Congress to review, and therefore that the president has no authority to waive or suspend sanctions.”

Did you get the gist of that, my friend? Kristol says the president has no authority. But that authority is not lost. Where did it go? Well, it remains in the hands of the Jews who are loyal to the foreign entity that planted the poison pill in the American legislation precisely to activate it when needed, thus kill the deal. And that's what will happen because having additional material, be it valid or useless, is what feeds the fishing expeditions which are normally used to kill legitimate deals.

What's more, if there is anything in this chicanery that should revolt the American electorate, it is that the Judeo-Israeli lobby has button-holed the likes of Congressman Mike Pompeo to act as a mole, and ravage the legislative body from the inside.

This is why Kristol quotes him as having written: “the president has not complied with the act, jeopardizing his ability to implement the agreement.” Translation: don't implement the agreement.

If this sounds like an echo, it's because it is. Enough is enough.