Sunday, September 20, 2015

Pathetic is to run a Race that's imaginary

Look at this headline: “Obama's Pathetic Cave-in to Putin's Power Play in Syria”. It is the title of an article that was written by Elliott Abrams and published on September 18, 2015 in National Review Online. It is worth recalling, for this occasion, that power play between the big powers, is what has disrupted progress in the world, especially among the smaller nations that were trampled on. As the African saying goes, “when two elephants fight, the smaller creatures get crushed under them.”

Worse, it happens at times that the power play does not even come down to a race between two entities. It happens that one of the two simply imagines itself in a race against the other when the other has no interest to play the game. A most infamous non-race of this kind came in the form of an imagined competition between America and the Soviet Union to send a man to the moon and bring him back alive. The truth is that the Soviets never entered that race; and the whole American enterprise looked like a nation racing against itself.

There is no doubt this is a habit that is endemic to the American culture. It has a positive purpose in that it fosters the spirit of competition – that which is referred to in economics as animal spirit. But it has a negative side too; a side that manifests itself when things are pushed past the limit of what is useful. This happens when a higher authority encourages a minion to outdo itself. For example, a supervisor might repeatedly ask an underling to produce more next time. Also, a parent might keep pushing a child to do better in sport.

True to form, the Jews whose method entails the exploitation of traits they discover in the cultures they invade – and make those traits work for them – have discovered that American trait and have been exploiting it ever since. Pretending to be experts on everything and everyone outside America, they kept encouraging the Americans to do research on this weapon system or that one – such as the self-propelled gun they called Crusader – because the Soviet Union or the Chinese or the Iraqis were about to achieve a breakthrough … an accomplishment that will threaten America's lead in the field.

And that's not the only way that the Jews exploit America. Another way is what comes out the Elliott Abrams article. It is the Jewish denigration of the individuals, including the President, who run the American political establishment – when they neglect to seize on issues that may not be of interest to America, but would be to the Jews or to Israel. Instead to telling the truth about their motives, the Jews make it sound like America will suffer because it refuses to intervene in those situations.

The focus this time is on the part of the Middle East that goes by the name Levant. The region is going through a difficult time – a situation that delights the Jews because it is what has allowed them to live a parasitic life at the expense of others since the beginning of time. Their worry now is that the Russians have decided to attempt producing a modicum of stability in the region.

Whether or not the Russians will ultimately succeed, the mere fact that they entered Syria makes Israel look like the player that's sitting at the table empty handed, having lost all his chips. This is why Elliott Abrams and his likes are furious … they who had been the main drivers occupying the seat of America's foreign policy … they who worked exclusively to promote the interests of Israel and World Jewry.

Because Abrams could not put together an argument that would convince the Americans that stability in Syria will constitute an existential threat to America, he opted to say that Obama's foreign policy scares America's friends who see him cozy up to their enemy. He goes on to explain that such policy also has the effect of undermining a half-century of American policy, delighting enemies such as Iran and china while mortifying friends such as Israel, Jordan, Egypt and the Gulf states.

Building on this, he sets up an imaginary game where the competition is between an America that wants Assad out of power, and a Russia that wants him in power. But alas, he goes on to whine: “Instead of resisting or leading, instead of making the Russians pay a price, we will now have a dialogue with the Russian army.”

Because the Jews live to advocate the things that produce blood and mayhem, he warns Obama: “The events in Syria will be an indelible stain on [your] record.” And he calls on the next president of the United States to pick up the pieces of Syria and of America's leadership position in the Middle East. These people never stop.