Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The exceptionally repulsive Cheneys

Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz Cheney who coauthored a book – apparently titled 'Exceptional' – seem at first blush to be on a tour promoting the sale of the book. Two things they did lately in that regard were to speak with the Weekly Standard on September 1, 2015, and to appear on MSNBC's Morning Joe program on September 2, 2015.

Both events were written about by Michael Warren of the Weekly Standard. The first article came under the title: “Cheney: Iran Deal Did Not Begin With Bush Administration” while the second came under the title: “Cheney: Congress Should Treat Iran Deal As a Treaty” and the subtitle: “It should require two-thirds vote of the Senate to go in force.”

When someone is on a tour that is really a campaign not only to promote a book, but also justify the decisions that were taken during the George W. Bush Presidency in which Dick Cheney served as Vice-President, you need a point of reference from which to start evaluating what powers the thinking of the two authors at this time, and what used to power the thinking of the entire Bush Administration.

To be honest, Dick Cheney could not have been more generous in that he handed us a jewel of the highest value on a tablet that is made of pure gold. You'll find the following give and take in the September 2 article. Host Joe Scarborough asks: “Wasn't the world more stable with Saddam Hussein in power?” And Dick Cheney responds: “No, when we took down Saddam, [Libyan President] Qaddafi gave up his nuclear program.”

Do you know what this means, and where it came from? It means that any country – say, Russia or China or Iran or someone else – can now use that example as precedent to bomb country A in the hope that country B or C or D will backtrack on something it may or may not be doing. What a horrifically lawless world this would be whose horrifically disfigured features will bear the signature of the horrifically repulsive Jewish mentality!

This kind of mentality started seeping into the American debates when the Jewish pundits and their non-Jewish followers justified the bombing of civilian installations in Iraq and Syria on the basis that if not destroyed, these installations could have fallen into the hands of the terrorists now sweeping the area.

To see how horrifically lawless and repulsive this argument is, imagine India bombing Pakistan and “taking out” its leadership, the moment it sensed that the neighbor was developing nuclear weapons. What do you think would have happened? An extremist group – say, the Pakistani Taliban – would have filled the vacuum. The result is that we would now be facing a situation in Pakistan similar to that in the Levant.

Go a step further and imagine China acting in that same manner the moment that it sensed India was developing nuclear weapons. Think of the millions of Indians who will say that because their central government cannot protect them, they are breaking away to run their territory the way they see fit. And in the effort to delineate the boundaries of their territory, the various groups find themselves fighting civil wars that look like the situation we now see in the Levant.

And yet, neither the Iraqi nor the Syrian installations that were bombed by Israel were military in nature. They were civilian installations built in the open for the whole world to see, and whose purpose was to do work meant to serve the populations of those countries.

Their being bombed reinforced the view in the mind of what came to be called “terrorists” that the West is terrorizing them because their governments cannot protect them. And so they decided to take matters in their own hands. And the result is what we see in the Levant today.

This is the situation that Israel has created in its immediate vicinity using American weapons, money and diplomatic encouragement. It is also what the Jews seek to create where Israel cannot go, using the entire American military and its military-industrial complex.

And the Jews are using stooges like the Cheneys (most probably under some kind of blackmail) to spread their gospel in the English speaking world and beyond.