Saturday, September 12, 2015

Demise of the Jewish-led foreign Policy Dracula

Of all the American publications, no one has done more to promote Jewish control of America's foreign policy than the Wall Street Journal since that publication was taken over by Rupert Murdoch. The effort took on the image of a Dracula that sucked America's blood – not in the middle of the night and out of sight – but in broad daylight and in the open spaces of the worldwide public square.

Two pieces in the Wall Street Journal attest to what looks and sounds like the final throes of Dracula as he descends into his coffin, pushed there with a stake planted in his heart by moderate Jews who came to realize that the curse plaguing the Jews since the beginning of time had always been the work of individuals appointing themselves leaders over them and using them to serve their own interests rather than the entire community.

The first piece appeared in the Journal under the title: “Is Iran Another ObamaCare?” and the subtitle: “Obama's nuclear deal with Iran could sink Democratic election campaigns – again.” It was written by deputy-editor Daniel Henninger, and published on September 10, 2015. The second piece appeared the next day under the title: “Iran No Confidence Vote” and the subtitle: “Obama is flouting the nuclear review act he signed in May.” It is a piece of work crafted by the editorial board of the publication.

The Henninger article will most certainly come to be seen as the icon of pornographic punditry. From the first sentence to the last – and with every word in-between – there is nothing (and I mean absolutely nothing) that suggests any sort of brain work has gone into this conception. Look at the first sentence: “It is eerie how much the politics of the Iran nuclear deal resemble the politics of ObamaCare.” And look at the last sentence: “Anytime people want to run on something that has 21% support, only a fool would try to stop them.”

It is all about the politics of getting elected or re-elected with the blackmail that goes with the approach, and the false promises of rewards to be distributed among those who will toe the line. It is also about the forgery that accompanies a branch of mathematics called statistics, and using the results to fabricate stories that bear no resemblance to reality. In fact, it does not take a high IQ to see that Henninger defeats his own argument by drawing a parallel between ObamaCare and the Iran nuclear deal.

The facts on the ground are that ObamaCare led to the re-election of Barack Obama by a majority higher than his first win – the first such occurrence in American politics in a long time. To use that as a blackmailing tool to frighten future legislators in the hope of forcing them to toe the line, attest to a level of IQ that can use a hefty dose of improvement. If and when this happens, Henninger may then wish to revise the subtitle of his piece of work which says: “Obama's nuclear deal with Iran could sink Democratic election campaigns – again.”

This brings us to the Journal's editorial in which the entire board is heard letting out a collective moan, having been beaten in the game invented and played exclusively by the like of them for half a century. These would be the self-appointed leaders of the Jews who brought the use of parliamentary tricks to America's politics, describing the game as the manifestation of intellectual achievement so high, it can only be played by Jews.

Well, President Obama did boast that he was an honorary Jew, or something to this effect, and perhaps it is why he tried his hand at playing the game that the Jewish leaders thought was their exclusive domain. And he beat them, which is why you see and hear the editors of the Journal moan: “It says something about President Obama's contempt for Congress that he browbeat and threatened 42 Democrats to filibuster the vote.”

It is therefore not surprising to see the self-appointed leaders of the Jews hark back to square one; to the point from where they started the journey that led them to the control of America's foreign policy for a while. This is what they managed to do recently: “The House voted along party lines to pass a resolution that Mr. Obama has failed to comply with the Nuclear Agreement Review Act. Republicans believe this vote will help in court if the House or some states decide to sue the President for lack of compliance.”

That is, they went back to playing one branch of government against another; one level of government against another; one party – in a two-party system – against the other; one group of individuals against another group. And they hope to retrace the game that put them in the driver's seat of American foreign policy. Will it work? Will Dracula break-out from his coffin? Time will tell.