Friday, September 4, 2015

Demagoguery and Bromide are newest Tools

The word 'demagoguery' is often defined as speech that uses fear to sway the masses against someone such as a leader; or against something such as the government or a branch thereof. As to the word 'bromide,' it refers to the use of deceptive platitudes to make the masses believe that the horror they are seeing is not as bad as it looks to them.

These are the two words which apply to the trends currently followed by the Judeo-Israeli lobby while it prepares for the upcoming battle to impose the Judeo-Israeli will on America and its people. It is that the need for a modified approach became apparent when the lobby lost the round it was fighting over the nuclear deal that was negotiated with Iran.

These trends come to the fore with some clarity in two pieces that were written in the aftermath of the lobby's defeat. The first is an editorial that came under the title: “Iran devils get their deal,” published in the New York Daily News on September 2, 2015. The second is an article that was written by Elliott Abrams under the title: “Netanyahu and AIPAC: Right to Fight,” published in the Weekly Standard on September 3, 2015.

The editors of the Daily News are using the techniques that the rabbis and other Jewish leaders have used for centuries on their people. It is fear of the worst kind … and that's because it warns the masses that if they fail to wholeheartedly stick with the leaders, they will all perish. In fact, no matter what the circumstances were, the leaders portrayed every issue – big or small – as being an existential threat that only they could vanquish. But for them to succeed, the masses must cooperate, and do exactly what the leaders told them to do.

That approach has worked on the Jewish masses throughout the centuries, rewarding the leaders and the rabbis handsomely. Now the editors of the Daily News are using it on the American people. They do so in the opening sentence of the editorial: “Obama will ram his deal through Congress … Now what? Now worry. Worry a lot.” And they use it to end their piece: “Not to worry, right? Wrong. Dead wrong.”

As to the Elliot Abrams article, it challenges the people who say that Netanyahu and AIPAC lost because they opposed the American President, something they should never have done. His answer to these people is this: “Wrong both times – as to Netanyahu and as to AIPAC.”

To further articulate those points, Abrams begins by mentioning the existential threat: “Netanyahu has seen Iran's nuclear program as existential to Israel.” He then makes a bold assertion: “Actually, Netanyahu has won the argument: most Americans are skeptical of the deal.” He goes on: “As to relations with the United States, there are no polls suggesting any damage at all.” Well, that's enough bromide to soothe every pain that the American/Israeli disagreement may have caused.

Okay then; if that's the case, everything must be back on track, is it not? No, says Elliott Abrams, “we are talking about damaging relations [only] with the Obama administration.” But that's not a big deal, he goes on to explain, because the relations were bad already, and the problem per se is diminishing because we're already in the election season, and Obama will soon be out of office.

Abrams then does the very thing that the self-appointed leaders of the Jews have done for centuries – the thing that made the Jews the eternal losers they have always been. Instead of grabbing the opportunity offered by Obama's rapprochement with Iran, and accept Egypt's invitation to make the Middle East – including Iran – free of nuclear weapons, this is what Abrams says: “Netanyahu's actions may now help Israel because … [American] aid may increase; more sophisticated weapons may be sold to Israel.”

In other words, speaking for himself and the rest, he says that they have no inclination to become a normal people, leading normal lives in a country that is as normal as can be. These people want to continue being at odds with everyone they encounter, everywhere they go … now and forever.

In short, self-appointed leader of the Jews, Elliott Abrams has just said to his people: We're winning the fight against Obama because we'll remain the eternal losers we've always been despite his effort to make us normal.