Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Parasite that's turning into a Maggot

A parasite is a small creature that lives off a large body. For the creature to be considered a parasite, however, the body on which it lives must be alive. But if the body dies – perhaps as a result of the parasite taking too much too fast out of it – another creature called maggot starts to feed on the rotting flesh.

These are biological realities which lend themselves to being used as a metaphor illustrating a situation that may arise when the playing of social games is pushed to an extreme. In fact, those realities can even be altered artistically to make it so that upon sensing the approaching death of the body on which it feeds, the parasite begins the process of transforming itself into the maggot that will feed on the corpse that will result.

This age being one in which planet Earth got connected by several networks of communication, leaving no one in the dark as to what is happening near or far (except for those who wish to be left undisturbed while meditating) a few things have become common knowledge on a world scale. One of those is the image of the Jew being a parasite that feeds on those who will let him.

Not once until now has there been a situation in which the host allowed the Jewish parasite to consume him to death. In fact, the rule had always been that upon sensing he is being abused by the Jew, the host was the one to take the initiative and do away with the parasite … something he did by expulsion or incineration or the suffocation with a deadly gas.

A situation in which that rule was broken can be studied in the article that came under the title: “The Iran Deal Will Ignite Nuclear Proliferation,” written by Douglas J. Feith and published on September 25, 2015 in National Review Online. It should be mentioned that Feith is one of those who call themselves children of Holocaust survivors. He was employed in the W. Bush Administration, working with the team that created the hoax of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq; a work that started the process of siphoning life out of America.

Seeing how much America has deteriorated and guessing that the end is near, Douglas Feith has started the process of transforming himself into a maggot. He is positioning himself at the highest point in the food chain that will devour the corpse which used to be America.

Look how he starts the article: “Republicans will keep Iran as proof of Obama's national-security malpractice. But they don't all grasp why the nuclear accord is flawed and why it matters.” In other words, he is saying that no one in America knows what they are doing when it comes to national security. This being the case, he senses the imminent death of the body on which he and those like him have been feeding for a long time.

What is even more telling, according to him, is that Obama “decided to paper over the nuclear problem in order to pursue a partnership between America and the regime in Tehran.” This is a dangerous move, he explains, and the proof is that Obama himself once “promised to prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapon.” But then, the commander-in-chief went from saying: “all options are on the table” to saying: “One couldn't always hit home runs. One had to bend to reality. What's important is getting the best deal possible.”

Thus, instead of seeing Iran as “an Islamist-extremist rogue-state enemy,” Obama's administration officials “have begun to highlight shared interests … US negotiators accordingly made concessions for the nuclear deal,” he goes on to say. And this has three dangerous consequences, according to him. First, it confirms Iran as a threshold nuclear-weapons state. Second, more than $100 billion will become available to Iran. Third, the world's nuclear-non-proliferation apparatus will be damaged.

When this happens, Feith goes on to prophesize, “the deal will spur [many] in the region and beyond to acquire nuclear weapons.” It will be a world where “the risks of nuclear war will increase enormously,” which is why he calls it a problem of historical importance. And that's why “the capitulation of Obama to the ayatollahs will be recognized as a turning point.”

And the moral of the story he wishes to convey to the world is that having created the hoax that started the process of siphoning life out of America, he expects the body of that Republic to die soon. This is why he is transforming himself from the parasite that he was to the maggot that will be.