Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Cannibals reaching down to new lows

However horrifying it may be to know there are those who feed on the flesh of their kind, there is something that's even more horrifying. It is to know there are those who feed on the flesh of the wounded and the incapacitated – be that a physical handicap or a psychological one. The story to be told in this regard begins long ago.

There was a time when an American soldier was killed in the Iraq war, and his mother was so hurt, she wanted to know why he had to die. She demanded an answer from the man who sent him to a war that should never have been. She tried in vain to get so close as to look in the eyes of his commander in chief, the President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, and make the demand in person. But she failed in these attempts time after time. Desperate, she set up a tent near his ranch, hoping to catch him as he went in or out – day or night – but never succeeded because his bodyguards made sure she never did.

People sympathized with her of course, because the love of a mother for her son is something that no one misses. Her pain became the pain of all America and beyond it in the rest of the world. But there came a time when she decided she must end this quest and move on with her life. And the world was relieved to know she started on a journey to healing herself from the suffering that was inflicted on her by the decision of someone else. And we all hoped that life will be kind to her going forward.

Fast forward to a time when the same war in Iraq was still ongoing, and soldiers from America continued to die. This time there was a Fox News on the scene, a network endowed with a boundless cannibalistic appetite. Having learned how to exploit the grief of a mother whose son was killed in a terrorist attack in Libya, the decision makers at Fox News made it their policy to snatch credit for themselves with scenes of soldiers returning from Iraq or Afghanistan being met by a jubilant spouse, son or daughter … even by the family dog. They spare no one, these cannibals.

Given that robbery of people's privacy is the journalistic equivalent of cannibalism, it is a practice that no one exploits more thoroughly than Fox News and those of the same political persuasion. You now see them go a step further and make cannibalism look like small potato. An example of this is an article written by David French under the title: “Families of the Fallen and Wounded Warriors Leave Defenders of Iran Deal with Nowhere to Hide,” published on August 11, 2015 in National Review Online.

Just look at the total and absolute lack of human decency with which this man, David French, snatches the flesh of the dead and the wounded … something he does, not to tell their story or to comfort their families, but to do this: “putting the abject dishonor of the Iran deal front and center before the Congress.” So the question: Where was that man or National Review Online or the likes of Fox News when: “Lieutenant Colonel Leon James died in September 2005”? George W. Bush was the commander in chief at the time, and he was the one that sent the Lieutenant to his death. It was not Barack Obama who, in fact, opposed the war, and then ended it like he promised he would when he was elected President.

Talking about comforting the families? Are you kidding? Look at the following pornography taught by the so-called Jewish educators of the American public: “Staff Sergeant Robert Bartlett who tells his story in a 60-second ad opposing the deal.” You don't comfort families with a 60-second ad. You do the bidding of Jews who want to stop the Iran deal and start a war with Iran, staging a replay of the Iraq war ... this time on a more massive scale.

It is another Jewish war wished for by the flesh-snatching monsters who want to launch it and satisfy their insatiable hunger for human flesh and human blood – the way things are described and glorified in the Old Testament of the Jews. It has been their religion for three and a half thousand years.

To end his presentation, David French tells the readers a misleading half-truth, and builds on it, but shoots himself in the process. This is how he does it: “Obama has been telling people that the choice is between the deal and war. But the fact is that Obama chose to negotiate while they were saying it was futile to negotiate with the Iranians. They begged him to stop the madness and bomb Iran instead.

He goes on to say: “Iran's war [with] America started long ago.” Yes, it did ... in the era of George W. Bush who has all that blood on his hands. Thanks for shooting yourself, David, may you keep doing it again and again.