Monday, August 10, 2015

Students of one versus Teachers of the other

Let's have a little background before we get to talk about the latest creation of Elliott Abrams. No, it's not one of those pies he is famous for; it's more serious than that. But be patient, my friend, we'll get there eventually. First, let's do the following:

The Arabic word for student is 'taleb' which is derived from the word 'talab' which means 'request.' In fact, the word taleb means the one who requests. Request what? you ask. Request knowledge, is the answer. Yes, education has always been so important to the Arabs, people used to request it with passion. Many of the languages – such as Urdu – that evolved by taking in Arabic words, changed the sound of those words. Thus, you have the 'Taliban' of Afghanistan who are supposed to be the students of the Islamic religion.

The Taliban are also the people who fought against several armies that invaded their country, defeating them one after the other. They could not have succeeded without using religion as the symbol around which to rally the people, and convince the young among them to join the fight. This method of recruitment worked not only in Afghanistan but everywhere else – most notably among Christians (such as the Crusaders) and the Jews (such as Israel). It worked so well, in fact, that in Europe and America, young men who might have killed kids in a school or a movie theater, first converted to Islam – as if to earn their wings – and then joined a militia group pretending to defend Islam.

For this reason, groups in America have been pressuring the media and government officials to use a language that would link the violent acts committed by these kids with the religion of Islam, even if the kids do not know a thing about the religion they say they are attracted to. Still, the argument of the pressure groups has been that you must call the enemy by its name to know how to defeat it. A favorite expression of theirs would go like this: radical Islamic terrorism.

So now, we get to the Elliott Abrams article which came under the title: “Obama and the 'Amen Corner'” and the subtitle: “With accusations of warmongering, the president feeds anti-Semitism.” It was published on August 8, 2015 in the Weekly Standard. True to Jewish form, the author begins the article by setting up a false premise, and then constructing a shaky narrative around it. The false premise is that Obama's actions have worsened race relations in America. The shaky narrative is that Obama – in like manner – is feeding anti-Semitism.

Abrams took this approach to strengthen his presentation before he even began it because he knew that he stood on shaky grounds. That's because unlike the kids who commit crimes not knowing what they are doing, those who took control of America's foreign policy – and have sent the country into war after war – are none other than the elders; indeed the teachers of Judaism. They are the Jewish Establishment that educated the American public about Jewish moral rectitude and Jewish moral clarity.

Thus, whereas 'radical Islamic terrorism' may not apply in most instances, 'Jewish warmongering' applies spot on in all the instances. Despite all this, President Obama has avoided calling the Jews warmongers as much as he avoided attributing to Islam the actions of a handful of kids who know not what they are doing.

First of all, the accusation that Obama has worsened race relations in America is a false premise because what happened after his election is an occurrence that is as old as the country itself. Racial division reared its ugly head every time that a new ethnic group came to the country, and every time that a new group ascended to a higher place … such as the Jews or the Asians enrolling in upscale universities, for example, or in certain professions. This time, the phenomenon manifested itself when a Black man became President – and that will go away with time when people get used to it.

But that is the President about whom Elliott Abrams has revealed that the New York Times has reported as having said: “he understood the pressures that senators face from donors and others.” Apparently, this innocent observation, according to Abrams, is what will fuel anti-Semitism in America. If that's what he believes, what does he think about organized Jewish groups led by the likes of Fox News, harping day in and day out on the notion that “the mainstream media” and the Obama administration must adopt phrases like “radical Islamic terrorism”?

Well, if mental health has become so critical in America that people are killing each other a thousand times more frequently at peace time than the “enemy” with whom they are at war, is killing of them, the bigger problem for America is not the distant enemy or the one within. Rather, the problem stems from those who took charge of the “public education” of America, and are confusing the people so much, they render them mad.

It is no exaggeration to say that Elliot Abrams is one of the agents of madness in America. Deal with him and all those like him and you'll be on your way to healing the country. What America needs now is more of the Barack Obama kind, and less of the Elliott Abrams kind to see its way to sanity.

Moral clarity is the recognition that the Jewish leaders who never succeeded at anything will drive America to the ground the way they repeatedly drove their own people to the ground again and again before bolting out and converting to something else, thus escaping the wrath of humanity.