Sunday, August 2, 2015

Placing Blame where Blame is due

There is an English saying that goes like this: Give credit where credit is due. To have symmetry which life is all about, there must also be a corollary that might go like this: Place blame where blame is due. But you wouldn't know it from watching the Jews act, or from listening to them talk for, you soon discover that their motto goes something like this: We get credit whether or not we earn it; they get blamed whether or not they deserve it.

Two quintessential Jews – despite the question concerning their authenticity – demonstrate how these people think and how they act when it comes to the important issues of the day. They are Michael Makovsky and William Kristol who co-authored an article that came under the title: “Blaming Israel First,” and had it published on July 31, 2015 in the Weekly Standard.

Every time these people engage in a debate, they come with a bagful of shiny objects which they tell the protagonist at the outset they are taboo objects in the sense that they cannot be touched. This means you cannot doubt them or question them because if you do, you'll be displaying your anti-Semitism. And if this happens, the debate ends as if it had died a sudden death.

The authors make use of two such objects in the current article, one being that they call Jews the 'chosen people,' the other that Israel is the 'ally' of the United States. To be clear, denial of either saying does not rise in gravity to the level of denying the Holocaust even in the eyes of the most fanatic Jews, but they are considered untouchable nevertheless.

Keen to maintain the debate alive and not see it die here and now, I refrain from questioning those taboos, but I take liberty in giving my definition of them. I agree to the saying that the Jews are a chosen people in the sense that they were chosen to complete the symmetry of the equation examining the good versus evil thing, where humanity has already established itself as the good side. As to Israel being the most trusted ally of America, I define this concept by giving the following illustration.

Imagine you're a wealthy man living the good life with a young family in a big mansion. A drifter, member of a clan of drifters, comes into the mansion, holds you prisoner in one room, and holds the rest of the family in another room. He says his brothers and the rest of the clan are involved in a similar situation across town except that the people they hold hostage are not as wealthy as you.

Every once in a while, you see a brother or a member of the clan come to the mansion to take food, money or something valuable he can sell to feed the rest of the clan across town. You also learn that the one holding you, as well as those who come to loot the mansion, have been raping your wife and children while telling them and telling the world that they are your most trusted allies.

Well, my dear reader, that's how I see the situation involving America, the Jews and the Middle East. I see an AIPAC in the American mansion holding the government hostage and raping the American people non stop. I also see an Israel across the Atlantic/Mediterranean pond where the Israeli clan is holding the defenseless Palestinian and Lebanese people hostage.

It is obvious that what prompted Makovsky and Kristol to write their article is the realization that events are coming full circle, linking up with a time when the Republican members of the American family used to push back against the never-ending demands of the Jews. That's when secretary of state James Baker had said: “F– the Jews. They don't vote for us anyway,” report our two authors.

We know what happened after that. The Jews turned coat and infiltrated the Republican Party. Once there, they managed to draw some of the Jewish voters to their side, but not enough of them to make a difference. This is why the two authors lament they can hear the Democrats say: “F– the Jews. They vote for us anyway.”

That situation has so angered Makovsky and Kristol; they insultingly refer to their brethren as follows: “the all-too-frequent political stupidity of American Jews.” And so they read to them the riot act by quoting Eric Hoffer who said the following – to which they add their two cents worth:

“The Jews are a peculiar people … Arnold Toynbee calls the displacement of the Arabs an atrocity greater than any committed by the Nazis … should Israel be defeated it would be destroyed … and no one would lift a finger to save the Jews … as it goes with Israel, so will it go with all of us. Should Israel perish, the holocaust will be upon us.”

In other words, the sum total of what these people are saying is that the Jews better work on losing their peculiarity, or they will be defeated sooner or later. When this process begins to unfold, no one will lift a finger to save the Jews.

Yes, the world will be inconvenienced yet again while the operation is ongoing, they say, but humanity will recover and go on to build a world free of Jews.