Sunday, August 30, 2015

Cheney style self-Pity & mutual Accusation

When someone loses something he knows he'll never regain, he falls into a state of self-pity.

When a group of people loses a status it knows it will never regain, it develops that same sort of self-pity in addition to a tendency for the members to accuse each other of being responsible for the loss.

When a nation that used to be a superpower becomes the super laughingstock of the world, it falls into a state of self-pity, a state of mutual accusation, and a state you may call phenomenon of Cheneyism.

This is what happened to America when it elected a brainless president who picked a shameless vice-president who formed a shadow cabinet made of “children of Holocaust survivors” who ran the country into the ground, turning it into a doormat for the Judeo-Israeli lobby that made of it the laughingstock of the world.

This is the story that Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz Cheney are shamelessly trying to embellish in the article they coauthored under the title: “Restoring American Exceptionalism” and the subtitle: “President Obama has dangerously surrendered the nation's global leadership, but it can be ours again – if we choose his successor wisely,” published on August 29, 2015 in the Wall Street Journal.

Not surprisingly, the Cheneys begin the article by giving a brief history of the glorious past that America used to enjoy till it lost it all in what amounts to a blink of an eye … considering that we're talking about the lifespan of a nation, if not an empire – however reluctant that empire might have been at times. It is at this point in the article that Dick and Liz drop a bombshell: “For the most part, until the administration of Barack Obama, we delivered.” This is to mean that the Bush-Cheney administration which preceded that of Obama also delivered. Imagine!

They say that much despite the fact that the world knows, and history has recorded that the Bush-Cheney administration delivered to Obama an economy that was imploding, and a Republican Secretary of the Treasury that was literally on his knees begging a Democratic Speaker of the House to approve measures that will save the nation from dissolving into a state of financial annihilation. Moreover, that worse-than-useless administration delivered to Obama two foreign wars that had no exit plan or a way to deal with contingencies except for bribing some local tribes in Iraq in return for them pretending that things were quiet on that front.

But why did the Cheneys talk about foreign policy and not the economy even though the two are inextricably linked? They did because of what they had in mind for what comes after that point in the article. And what comes is a complete airing of the Judeo-Israeli agenda. In a nutshell, they say this: “In the 1940s American leadership was essential to victory in World War II … In the Cold War American leadership guaranteed the survival of freedom … President Obama has departed from this tradition of ensuring America's pre-eminence and strength.”

This brought them to Iran, the current Judeo-Israeli preoccupation. They say the following about the deal negotiated with that country: “Allowing the Iranians to enrich uranium … virtually guarantees that they will become a nuclear state … In addition, it will provide them with hundreds of billions of dollars of sanctions relief … The U.S. Congress should reject this deal and reimpose the sanctions … and recognize that the use of military force will be required … We must resolve to take action and shouldn't lose hope.”

This done, they plead with the American people to do the right thing next time they vote. Look at this: “Just as one president has left a path of destruction in his wake, one president can rescue us.” Are they talking about the destructive Bush whose aftermath was rescued by Obama? No. Not really. In fact, they are asking for a repeat of the tragicomedy that was the Bush-Cheney-Rove administration. These two have no sense of the absurd.

There is more of what they say: “As citizens, we have another obligation … They [the citizens] need to know about the horror of the Holocaust … They should understand what kind of world militant Islam will create … President Reagan put it this way, 'We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free.'”

And they handed the manuscript to their Jewish masters; curtsied to one, genuflected to the other and kissed the ring of a third, saying this: If you want us to rewrite this thing, command us and we'll obey. And Reagan shouted in his grave: Let freedom ring on Capitol Hill and the editorial rooms of a nation gone to the dogs.