Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Effects of the in-your-Face Mutilation of Truth

To understand anything that Victor Davis Hanson writes, you must know he is the kind who would stand on your porch and urinate at your door. If you ask him what the hell he thinks he is doing, he'll pretend not to know what you're talking about, and then accuse you of urinating on your own porch to blame him for the atrocious act.

Hanson has done it again in spades in an article he wrote under the title: “Israeli Preemptive Action, Western Reaction,” published on August 4, 2015 in National Review Online. The article itself is a 1600-word hoax because its writer knows better than anyone that Israel will not attack someone it cannot take by surprise or someone that is totally disarmed and helpless. And Iran is neither of those.

What is not a hoax is that humanity has had it up to here with the antics of the Jews, and has been expressing this sentiment for centuries if not for millenniums. People at all times and everywhere on this planet have expressed that sentiment, first by generating warning signals, and then by escalating the push-back against the Jewish habit of responding to every signal with an in-your-face response which says: We, the Jews are the favorite children of God who cannot be reprimanded for anything we do.

Despite the fact that the escalation has, in almost every instance, gone as far as to pogrom or holocaust the Jews, their leaders started the same old antics again and again, usually in a different place but sometimes in the same place, and have faced the same old responses time and time again. Here they are, once more, playing what the colloquial would refer to as the same old movie; and no one does that more regularly than Victor Hanson … as can be seen in his latest piece.

As a classicist by training, he does what he does the classic way which, in this case, means to begin the round by demonizing the people he feels are peeved by the antics of the Jews – Barack Obama, for example – and the people who speak of their lost patience by hinting “darkly” at what is bothering them – John Kerry, for example.

Hanson complains that these two, among others, see certain Jewish groups as being pushy. And you know what? He does not like it that those two are pushing back – something they do, not by taking any action that might inconvenience the Jews, but simply by voicing their annoyance with what the pushy groups are doing.

So then, how does he respond to that, whether in-your-face or otherwise? He does it in two ways. First, he contends that the American people are against the nuclear deal just concluded with Iran; and that the same American people are supportive of Israel. Of course, these are false contentions based on fake polls conducted by quack poll takers whose credibility sits beneath the belly of a crying crocodile.

Second, Hanson tells of the mistreatment of Jews by humanity in a language that makes it clear he believes the conduct of the Jews has always been angelic, while that of humanity has always been demonic. This has the effect of saying to the world that humanity must change to accommodate the Jews, whereas the Jews need not change because you cannot improve on perfection.

Does he know this is the mentality that begins the round of escalations by forcing humanity to push-back? Of course he does. And that's exactly what the Jews have always done when they got caught in a stalemate. They pulled their version of a Hail Mary in a desperate do-or-die attempt that always ended with the innocent among them dying, and the leaders escaping punishment. They later collected compensation to come out of their ears.

Coming close to the high point in the escalation game, Hanson plays the trump card. It is to say that a new holocaust is looming on the horizon, and like before, humanity is not doing what it must to save the Jews from the evil characters who seek to destroy the Jewish people by destroying Israel.

He gives a history of how things unfolded prior to the mother of all holocausts, and he ties that history with the nuclear deal just concluded between Iran and the rest of the world. And so, he ends the article like this: “We should conclude that any deal that leads to an Iranian bomb is unacceptable to Israel – a nation that will soon have to consider the unthinkable to prevent the unimaginable.”

The problem is that the unthinkable Jewish actions have always escalated to make the unimaginable even more unimaginable. These people never learn; they never did in 4,000 years.