Saturday, August 29, 2015

Lone Wolf Theory not negated by the Pack

The Jewish American propaganda machine has been trying hard for a time now to engineer a situation whereby the Muslims of every race and the Arabs of every religion will be so badly treated in America; someone will come out and say that the Jews are not the only people to be treated badly by humanity. In the mind of the Jewish leaders such happening will prove that what's wrong with this planet is not the Jews but humanity itself.

So far, the machine (now playing the role of hate machine) has failed to achieve its goals. In fact, it can even be argued that the activities of the Jewish hate machine were instrumental in transforming the opinion that the American people used to hold on the various players in the Middle East. Those activities gained sympathy for the Palestinian Arabs, and gained support for the movement to boycott Israel. The transformation also translated into sympathy for Americans of Arab and Muslim origins while increasing the suspicion that people had for everything Jewish, such as the media that's seen as being dominated by Jews.

Despite the mounting evidence that they are losing the battle, the lords of the Jewish hate machine continue to tinker with it – adding parts, removing others and modifying still others. They do this in the hope that they will make it deliver the outcome they expect of it. One of the tinkerers is Benny Avni who wrote an article under the title: “The 'lone wolf' theory is a myth” and had it published on August 27, 2015 in the New York Post.

It is apparent from the title of the article that the aim of the author is to make every act of terrorism committed by an Arab or a Muslim, wash over and tarnish the society that spawned him or her, readying it for punishment. To the mind of the Jews, this will balance out the way that their ancestors told Pontius Pilate they accept responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus, and would not mind seeing his blood wash over them and their descendants – marking them deserving of punishment now and to eternity.

Benny Avni explains that the idea of the lone wolf theory being a myth has come to him from talking to someone named Ben Hammou Mohammed. He is president of the Moroccan Center for Strategic Studies, which Avni wants us to believe is “a leading think tank on security issues.” But the reality is that the Center is nothing more than a PR concoction cobbled together by the American military to explain to the Africans the presence of American forces in their neck of the woods. What Mohammed said was this: “Usually, there are other persons somewhere. We are facing groups, and not only individuals.”

From the little else that Avni reveals about his conversation with Mohammed, it is obvious that the man was talking about what's happening in the Mediterranean region and not anywhere else ... certainly not what's happening in the United States of America. And yet, this is the springboard that Benny Avni uses to transpose Mohammed's view regarding the Mediterranean region, half a world away, to the United States of America.

The reason why he went through this trouble is that he wanted to put the following into the public domain: “We can no longer say, you can't stop every crazy man out there, so we might as well resign to living with some lone wolves. After all, we're learning to live with people who shoot their former station co-workers on live TV.”

The intent behind this approach is that it allows him to say: “This is different” and right away discuss what he calls “attackers like Khazzani” and the “800 Islamist extremists … ready to strike Europe. Here too, their number is growing.” He thus classifies the crimes not by their atrocities but by the race of their perpetrators.

With that, he establishes that a crime committed in America which normally would call for law enforcement, should call for war when committed by an Arab or a Muslim. For this to work in practice, he comes up with a suggestion: “We must intensify cooperation between national-security services … This is war, and we better stop looking for excuses not to fight it.”

What is lost in all of this is the fact that there are lone wolves and packs of wolves in the “old world” as much as there are in America. To take the advice of Benny Avni on how to solve America's problems is like taking Tom Friedman's advice on how to deal with Saddam Hussein. It will lead to America's humiliation.

These people are driven by an ideology that is too suicidal to serve a superpower like America. It is time to shelve them now and forever under the classification: useless.