Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A morally Blind speaks of moral Equivalence

If you want to know why the Congress of the United States of America looks like a toilet bowl and smells like one, you must first agree that it can only be due to the people that populate it. But before you hurry and flush these characters down the tube, you need to take a peek inside their brains, and study how they think because you may find a wealth of fertilized information in there.

Charles Schumer is a legislator in that Congress as well as being a lawyer by training. He wrote an article under the title: “There is no moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas” and had it published in the New York Post on July 15, 2014. This is a good opportunity for us to look inside his brain, and see if we can determine why the Congress is in such a stinky mess.

He is doing in the article what he has been doing in the American Congress all these years, which is to serve not the interests of America but those of Israel. And he says in the first sentence what this is about. Speaking of the Palestinian and Israeli societies, he says that “many Americans and media commentators are drawing disturbing lines of parallelism between the two societies.” The thing to note here is that he speaks of the behavior not of the two militaries but that of the two societies.

And the other thing to take from this passage is that the trick he employs to serve Israel is that of continually demonstrating to his colleagues that Israel and the Jews are superior to others – in this case the Palestinians. This prompts them to continually vote in favor of Israel even when it is detrimental to American interests. And the net effect of all these actions is not only that America's standing in the world diminishes, but that the esteem which young Americans develop about themselves shrinks. It happens because they are constantly reminded that the Jew among them is divine, which is more than is ever said about them.

Thus, while skipping many relevant facts, Schumer sets out to draw the kind of parallelism that suits his theory. Among the facts that he skips are the following:

First, the Jews are the home invaders who keep coming to Palestine armed to the teeth, and grab the properties of the unarmed Palestinians, killing scores of them in the process.

Second, when Palestinians get killed, Israelis cheer and march in the streets chanting: kill more Arabs. They do this until someone tells them to restrain themselves until the foreign cameras leave the scene.

Third, when someone like the doctor (named Weinstein if memory serves) who killed scores of Palestinians praying in a mosque does his deed and gets shot in the process, they set up a memorial for him where decades later young Jews keep visiting to pray to him as if he had been a deity.

Fourth, Jews continue to demonstrate in the open carrying signs to the effect that killing Arabs is not a crime but a virtue. That would be the kind of virtue that Schumer tells his colleagues and all of America is the Jewish virtue that is a slice of the American virtue. Do you still wonder why children in America gun down other children? I don't, and neither does the rest of the world.

So you want to know what it is that Schumer reproaches to the Palestinians that may come close to what the Jews are doing. Well, without pointing to any evidence, he says that the Palestinians sometimes feel relief and express it when they see something bad happen to the Jewish occupiers who inflict so much pain on them every minute of every hour, and every hour of every day since they were born … going back three generations.

Charles Schumer ends the article like this: “What would the United States do if this kind of violence was happening in Houston, or Chicago, or New York? What would Germany do if it were happening to Frankfurt – or France, if Paris was under attack?”

Well, we know what happened in France when it came under occupation. It produced someone named Charles De Gaulle who helped liberate his country. We also know what happened to the United States when it was attacked by the Japanese navy. Someone dropped nuclear bombs on Japan. Need to know more? I bet not.