Monday, July 28, 2014

Of Hamas's Idiots, a useful one is Rich

The Rich you see in the title is Rich Lowry, the editor of National Review; presumably also National Review Online (NRO). He assembled a number of articles, including his own – all written on the subject of the ongoing war in Gaza, and had them published on July 25, 2014 in NRO. The title of his own article is: “Hamas's Useful Idiots.” And this discussion of mine aims to show that if Hamas has useful idiots, the most useful one will have to be Rich Lowry himself.

This observation is given legs when you look at the subtitle of his article. It says this: “In its propaganda war against Israel, Hamas will do whatever it takes.” Thus, he makes the point that Hamas has a strategy which is to pit Israel's military potential against humanity's suspicion – heretofore kept under wraps – that it is the Jews who will do whatever it takes to achieve – not something noble – but their illegitimate goals.

If that point can be proven, it will be possible to argue that Hamas, and the people of Gaza who went along with them, are justified in making the “ultimate” sacrifice they are now making. Look at it this way, an American soldier who throws himself on a hand grenade and dies protecting his comrades is called a hero; and he is decorated posthumously for his courage. Likewise, a society that takes the savage beating of a satanic culture to save the world from its evil is a society that will be revered for eternity.

And Rich Lowry confirms all of this while believing that he is saying something else. Look how he ends his piece after dishing out a pile of hooey, made of the yawn-provoking Jewish talking points: “Hamas's objective is, with support from fellow travelers and useful idiots the world over, to make Israel the new South Africa, toward the goal of its ultimate destruction. If it takes countless dead Palestinians to do it, so be it.” Well, let's give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he properly read the mind of the Hamas people.

In this case, look how much better off the world is now after the destruction of the old apartheid regime in South Africa, and the installation of the new multi-racial regime in that country. Likewise, imagine how much better off Palestine will be after the destruction of the existing Jewish-Satanic regime in what is referred to as Israel, and the installation of a new Muslim-Christian regime in the restored Land of Palestine.

As to how much humanity is benefiting from the sacrifices made by the Palestinian people, the equation boils down to one of its sides having the number of dead Palestinians, and the other side having the end of the Zionist paradigm. Just think about it; how many dead humans did it take to end the Nazi regime? If it was worth it then, it is even more so now.

We can only say in the name of all human beings – those living today and those who will come after us: Thank you, people of Palestine from the bottom of our hearts for what you are doing to save us from the plague that has stalked our species since almost the beginning of time.

Another article worth going over in the Rich Lowry infamous collection of July 25, 2014 came under the title: “Progressive Jews, Wake up” and the subtitle: “At pro-Hamas demonstrations in U.S. cities in recent weeks, anti-Semitism rises up and is heard.” It was written by Abraham H. Miller, a retired professor.

Just from the title of his article, and more so from reading the text itself, you are inclined to thank the heavens for the fact that this professor is now retired and no longer messing up the minds of students. For him to look at the rough relationship that the Jews have had with humanity for centuries, and speak of it in terms of “Progressive” versus whatever else, says that he should never have been allowed to teach.

Spend some time to analyze what he says. Of the 900 words or so he wrote, the last 400 begin like this: “Forgive me if I am not awed by progressive credentials, especially knowing that these are the people who helped put this administration in office.”

Already you can imagine how the rest of his argument sounds like. And when you actually read the words, you'll wonder what it is that made this man go off the edge, and how a repeat performance can be avoided.