Sunday, July 6, 2014

Huckabee & Israel celebrate animal savagery

Apparently Mike Huckabee who is a self designated, volunteer spokesman for the Israeli government, went on the Fox News Channel moments after the release of the autopsy report that gave details as to how the Jewish animals that settled in the occupied territory of Palestine carried out the beastly execution of a Palestinian boy for no reason except that he was a small, unarmed and defenseless Palestinian living in Palestine.

Huckabee did not say the act was an isolated incident because he knew this was normal Jewish behavior. Furthermore, having spoken to an official of the Israeli government before going on the air, he could not say that the government of Israel condemned the action. What he did, however, was pull a trick that is well known in the Jewish culture. It is that when a Jew wants to say something about his current mental disposition, he accuses someone else of harboring thoughts analogous to what he has in mind.

And so, Huckabee said that the Israeli official said they were viewing the situation in the context of what else was happening at the time. And what was happening at the time according to Huckabee the so-called Christian pastor, was the lie that the Palestinians had celebrated on their website the disappearance of three Israeli boys. That is, these Jews have now abandoned the idea they were barking day and night when it suited them; an idea to the effect that: “Nothing justifies an act of this horror,” and have replaced it with this: “If you are a Jew and feel bad about something, you may go ahead and commit the act that will cool the burning hell that is consuming the entrails inside your Jewish belly.”

You put all those bits of information together, and you come out with the reality that Huckabee is saying both in his name and in the name of the Israeli government that the world should rejoice because the Palestinian boy was beaten senseless, was made to drink gasoline and was lit on fire as a way to inflict maximum pain and suffering on him, on his family that was bound to know the truth, and on a world that did precious little to stop the Nazis from doing to the Jews nothing really that came close to being as horrific as this.

Now, Alan Dershowitz who was once – and may still be – one of the official spokespersons for the state of Israel has said that Israel had the right to do to the Palestinians anything that anyone in this world had done to someone in the past, or is doing it to them in the present. Well, no one has done to anyone what Israel did to the Palestinians, and continues to do it, such as that which was done to this innocent boy.

Even the Nazis had a more humane way of killing Jews; they had them die peacefully and without torture in a gas chamber – a method that would certainly be welcomed by the death row inmates of America who are made to agonize excruciating pain for as long as forty-five minutes before they expire. And so we must ask: Where do the Jews who bellyache today, get the idea from about Jews that were made to suffer enormously during what they call the Holocaust?

Well, they get the idea from the false stories they are told about torture being inflicted on Jews, and from the images of the Holocaust they see in the memorial buildings that the Jewish leadership continues to construct in more and more places. Those are the places where psycho-savages are made ... they are factories where they mass produce specimen like the ones who have settled in the occupied Palestinian territories, and those who are being prepared to go live there.

And perhaps this is why there is a Mike Huckabee, one of those who fanatically hang on to the idea that Israel has the right to steal all the territory it can steal from the Palestinians, and settle in it all the Jews it can attract out of an America that desperately wants to get rid of them.

Or perhaps, Huckabee is faking his fanaticism because, being a pastor, he is under blackmail to love Israel and the Jews so madly as to worship them, or see his closet being emptied of the skeletons in it.

The truth will come out eventually one way or the other … today, tomorrow or at some point in the distant future.