Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The New-York Tel-Aviv Axis of Genocide

On July 29, 2014, Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal came up with a column under the title: “Palestine Makes You Dumb” and the subtitle: “To argue the Palestinian side, in the Gaza war, is to make the case for barbarism.” On the same day, the rest of the Journal's editorial board came up with a piece under the title: “The Gaza Cease-fire Fiasco” and the subtitle: “Kerry and Obama give both sides reason to keep fighting.”

Stephens begins his column by protesting that when it comes to avoiding casualties, you cannot compare what Israel is doing in Gaza with what America is doing in Afghanistan because Israel's work is superior in this realm. He then declares suspect the number of Palestinians who were killed.

As to the editors of the Journal, they make the point that Israel wants to degrade the military capabilities of Hamas but that John Kerry messed up the situation by agreeing to a plan that would give Hamas all that it wanted. Because of this, Hamas will now count on America pressuring Israel to stop before achieving its goal. The result will be that both sides will want to continue fighting longer than would have been the case.

Well, there is enough in these two essays to show the people of the world how it is that a handful of Jews were able to control America to the extent that they did, bringing the planet close to the edge of the precipice several times since the end of WW II. What Israel is doing in Gaza today is use America's power and prestige to commit genocide and get away with it.

And the Jews have been able to accomplish all of this because they managed to paralyze the nation as far as the business of the nation is concerned. They then mobilized all of its potential to serve the interests of Israel which have always been war, war, war. What follows is an attempt to explain the events in Gaza in a manner that sheds light on the claims made by Stephens and the rest of the Journal's editors, and refutes them.

There is no doubt about it, Israel has embarked on a campaign to kill as many Palestinians as it can, and it is doing it in a way that is studded with Jewish ambiguities. This is to say, Israel is committing genocidal acts in the open, but then sort of denies that it is responsible for them. And while doing this, its propaganda machine gets into full gear to spread patently absurd lies about the events that clearly constitute war crimes.

The Israelis and their Jewish and non-Jewish supporters use a couple of in-your-face approaches to tell the world they have nothing but contempt for anyone who dares to question their right to murder Palestinians. First, when something happens and civilians die as a result, they seem to know instantly that Hamas was responsible for what happened. Second, if the evidence is to the effect that only Israel could have been responsible, they say they cannot be sure, which is why they need time to investigate … and this usually takes days if not weeks.

It happened not long ago that some weapons were discovered by employees of the United Nations in a building that was abandoned at the time, but had served as a school once before. And this was enough for the Israelis to use as excuse, and plan a most diabolic scheme to kill Palestinians. What they did was eye the most densely populated school in Gaza – one that was used as a shelter by the UN – and told the world body to evacuate the building because they were going to conduct an operation there.

At the moment that the UN started the process of evacuating the children who were by now in the open courtyard and without anything to shield them, the Israelis sent an anti-personnel bomb called airburst that killed scores of the children and injured many more. These bombs are designed to explode in the air before they reach the ground, and their purpose is to kill as many people as possible. Their shrapnel leave an unmistakable pattern, called signature, on the ground and the surrounding structures such that their use cannot be denied.

When confronted with this evidence by a reporter, a high ranking member of the Israeli military said something to the effect that: yes, we did it. We knew all along it was us, and we had the proof during all that time. Following that interview, a flood of explanations from Israeli political characters followed over several days, all of them attempting to set the record straight. But what they did, in effect, is give a glimpse as to the state of Jewish logic. When you piece together what they said, you come up with the following:

“Guess what. The courtyard and the building of the school were empty when we bombed. Why else would we use an anti-personnel airburst bomb if we did not know there were no personnel in that place? You, gentiles have a logic that is screwed up. You think that anti-personnel bombs are used to kill personnel, which means kill people. We, Jews have a superior logic. We know that anti-personnel bombs are used when there are no people around. And this is what we did in that school. We used the airburst bomb when there were no children in that courtyard. Now, if some children died, it means that Hamas killed them. Get It? If you don't, which part do you fail to understand?”

And you would think they will stop here and not try to milk the situation further. But you would be wrong because this is not the Jewish way of doing things. These people have been pogrommed and holocausted since the beginning of time by every race everywhere on the planet precisely because they are incapable of knowing where to stop. Thus, when they gave their cockamamie explanations and nothing happened to them, they considered planning new diabolic schemes.

To this end, they eyed the most densely populated hospital in Gaza where people seek shelter when they are told to evacuate other places. The Israelis bombed the hospital killing more people, and the first thing they said was that they were absolutely certain Hamas did it. But when shown the evidence that only they could have done it, they said they cannot be sure, but that they will need time to investigate. The same worn out old song,

Shortly after that, they told people to leave a district near the border and go to the center of Gaza where they will be safe. When the people got to the destination, the Israelis bombed them right there. Then, when the night fell, the military started sending flares over an area of the city. Because these flares come in canisters that fall to the ground and cause considerable damage, someone with a megaphone went around telling people to stay home to be safe. Right away, the Jewish propaganda machine pointed to this incident, and told the American media that Hamas is urging the people to go home and stay where they will be bombed. And the media relayed the lie to their audiences.

The Jews do all of that to argue that the civilians who get killed die not because the Israeli military is doing the killing but because the Hamas people plan it this way. But the fact remains that Hamas does not go around doing what the Jews have been doing for decades which is to cry out: gimme compensation, gimme compensation because my folks were killed by someone I hate. Palestinians do not profit from their people getting killed; the Jews do. And because it is a Jewish dogma that they must accuse others of what they are, this is what we see them do.

Thus, what is happening in Gaza is Jewish genocide of the Palestinian people; a genocide that is enabled by America, the one hundred percent accomplice in this bizarre situation.