Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Stephens-Netanyahu Treasure Trove

How much will it take to turn the American states into colonies the way that things used to be some two hundred and fifty years ago? Well, a television show called “Amerika with a K” which came out a number of decades ago would have you believe that the old Soviet Union could have done it alone. But the reality is that it will take the combined effort of fully industrialized Russia, China and India to succeed at maintaining order in a land of that size and a people of this aptitude. That's not a project for tomorrow, if it is for any time at all.

And now the question: How much does it take to maintain the completely disarmed population of Palestine's West Bank into a state of colonization? Well, it is happening now with hundreds of tanks and armored cars; with helicopter gunships and warplanes kept on the ready nearby; with thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of trigger-happy settlers, all armed to the teeth with the deadliest of American-made weapons.

Now consider this – people in America call heroes, the soldiers who die on the battlefield in a foreign land because they say that those young men and women went to fight for the freedom of all Americans. But no one bothers to explain how a handful of bare feet foreigners, armed with nothing more deadly than bows and arrows could have occupied America and turned it into a colony, thus robbing Americans of their freedom. Still, monuments are erected to honor the fallen, anniversaries are celebrated with pomp and ceremony, and the parents of dead soldiers are made to feel proud for the ultimate sacrifice that their children made.

You would think, therefore, that the young Palestinians who keep dying to liberate their country – one that is currently occupied and has been for three generations, would be viewed through that same lens. But this is not the reaction you get from some Jewish Americans, including Bret Stephens. He wrote: “Where are the Palestinian Mothers?” an article that also came under the subtitle: “A culture that celebrates kidnapping is not fit for statehood.” It was published on July 1, 2014 in the Wall Street Journal.

Actually, that subtitle was lifted from the last paragraph of the article. It is in keeping with the newest of Jewish styles of writing, whereby they grab onto anything that is being debated, and use the energy they can draw from it to make one of two points: Bomb Iran or deny statehood to the Palestinians. These are their two passions at the moment, and everything they touch leads to them. You should expect that the current situation will remain in force till something new comes along, and they change their style.

In his article, Bret Stephens discusses the case of three Israeli boys whose bodies were discovered in the occupied territories of Palestine. It has not been established how they died but two related things happened within hours, if not within minutes of the discovery. First, Israeli officials started talking about killing Palestinians. Second, Bret Stephens and those of his ilk started talking about the Palestinians being so different from the rest of humanity; they do not deserve being liberated or having a state of their own.

What happened here? Well, what happened is that the Jews and the Israelis discovered what they used to call a treasure trove. In the old days when they were going after the money and the gold of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, they would search the records of the dead, looking for something that could be taken to the congress of idiots in America, and tell those suckers to pass legislation blackmailing the countries in question.

This forced those countries to pay ransom to the Jews, which they did because the consequences would have been a lot more serious with regard to the business they conducted in America. But then, that well dried up, and the Jews started to make the claim that every valuable painting whose owner cannot be identified must have been owned by a Jew, and so they wanted to be compensated. They are still making this sort of claims.

And since they want Palestinian land as much as they want money, discovering three dead bodies is the kind of treasure trove that gives Israel a good excuse to kill Palestinians. This will ethnic-cleanse the West Bank where they will plant more settlers and maintain the tragedy that has been going on for several decades.

And this is cause for Jewish and Israeli celebration, but they will not celebrate too loudly because they don't want the world to know they are happy they discovered dead bodies.