Thursday, July 10, 2014

The strange World of legislating by Goofballs

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is back. She was made to retire from the chairmanship of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and was later given the junior position of chairing the subcommittee handling the Middle East and North Africa. In this capacity, she now pokes her nose in the religious affairs of the countries in the region, as can be seen from the article she wrote under the title: “Save Freedom of Worship in the Middle East” and the subtitle: “We must prioritize protecting religious minorities under threat.” It was published on July 9, 2014, in National Review Online.

Whether to chair a committee or a subcommittee, there is a reason why this woman was chosen to do what she is doing, and a reason why she is doing the things she has always done, and continues to do. Let's begin with why she was chosen in the first place. To better explain this, I need to tell a true story that will help clarify things. One day, during the depth of the recession that followed the market crash of 1987, I found myself in the passenger seat of a half-truck driven by a friend that had a small business.

We set aside several hours of the day to go to a number of nearby towns where he had business dealings to conduct, and then return to Toronto. A few minutes after we got onto the highway, I noticed that he stayed on the right lane, driving slower than the speed limit. The cars were zooming past us at a much higher speed except for one that remained behind us, matching our speed. My friend drew my attention to it and said he will have to pull up to the shoulder of the highway to get rid of it. He turned on the signal light, slowed down and started to move to the right when the car behind us shifted to the left lane, picked up speed and flew past us. My friend got back to his lane and resumed the drive at his normal cruising speed.

He explained to me these are hard times, and there are people who would love to see something fly off his half-truck and hit them so that they may fake severe injury, and claim thousands of dollars. This was one such character, and we may encounter a few more before the day is over. In fact, we did encounter one more on that day, and my friend gave him the same treatment. And this is when I began to understand why the Jewish leaders love the people who injure them physically or morally. It is that they see in such occurrences what they often refer to as treasure troves.

Aside from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, America and what have you – nations whose cash and gold the Jews have been milking for decades, the leaders love to identify the descendants of Jews who left the religion for one reason or another to embrace another religion. The leaders work on the psyche of these poor souls with such vigor, they manage to Svengali them into practical servitude. They tell their victims they must erase the stain of being the offspring of self-hating Jews who betrayed their people by hiding their true identities. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is one such victim whose Jewish mother converted to Catholicism to marry a Catholic. And this is why Ileana was brainwashed into believing she has the duty to do anything that is asked of her to serve and promote the many causes of the Jews, especially those of Israel.

When she was chair of the committee, Lehtinen used her time, her energies and most of the committee's budget to do just that. She is now repeating the performance in her capacity as chair of the subcommittee. But of all the subcommittees, why was she given the one that handles the Middle East and North Africa? Because this would be the best way to look after the interests of Israel. And right now, those interests are best served by agitating the sectarian groups among the Arabs, by getting them to fight each other, and thus weaken them relative to Israel.

And this intent is reflected in her article for two reasons. First, much of what she says is pure fantasy that was never proven. Where there is some truth, the world has reacted to it, and the governments in question have backed off from what they were doing wrong. Second, she makes absurd arguments that portray her as a trivial thing that should be doing something more useful than legislate … like becoming a cleaning lady, for example. What follows is one such argument of hers:

“Because of the resurgence in sectarian violence in Iraq, more than 65,000 Christians have fled to the North, and thousands of others have left the country entirely. This has led to a decline in the number of Iraqi Christians, from over a million before the war to fewer than half a million today. The situation is also dire in Syria...”

So the question: What does she want to see done? This is what she wants: “We must take meaningful action. Our State Department should demonstrate that it takes this issue seriously by designating offending countries, such as Iraq and Syria, as Countries of Particular Concern (CPC).” Does she really believe that such designation will end the civil wars now raging in Syria and Iraq? These are wars that compel people of all religions and ethnic designations to flee the scene. How would a CPC designation reverse the trend? Please explain Miss Ileana.

If she continues to believe in that rubbish, it would not be wise to even give her the job of cleaning lady. For the good of the public and her own good, she should be locked up in solitary confinement for life … to be visited only by her psychiatrist.

And the U.S. government should seriously consider looking for, and apprehending the people that Svengalied her to prosecute them on the grounds that they undermine the security of America to promote the interests of a demonic entity.