Friday, July 18, 2014

Lullaby Characters with exceptional Powers

What would you do if you were a storyteller hired to tell stories to children that grow eventually and begin to doubt the validity of what you're telling them? If you ask them why they don't believe your stories anymore, they say these things do not happen in real life. Thus, fearing that you will be out of a job unless you do something, you scratch your head feverishly trying to ease out of it a way by which to resolve your predicament.

After much soul searching, you come up with an answer. You're going to tell the children that they don't see in real life the things that you're telling in your stories because the characters and the objects of the stories have exceptional powers. They can make themselves and others disappear from view if and when they want to. But the characters and the objects are all there, and they play the roles that the stories say they do.

Something similar happens in the domain of some operators driving dubious propaganda machines. They treat the population under their tutelage as a playground full of children, some of whom grow faster than others and begin to express doubt as to the validity of what their “elders” are saying. And the way that the propaganda operators respond to the challenge is to make their stories even more fantastic. They do so by giving the characters and the objects they describe exceptional powers. That would be the ability to come up with tricks that render what they do invisible to onlookers.

You can see how this is handled in the unusually crafty propaganda piece that the notorious Taylor Dinerman has written for National Review Online. It was published on July 17, 2014 under the title: “How Israel Learned to Love Missile Defense” and the subtitle: “Israel's Iron Dome system shows that the best defense is not always a good offense.”

Never mind that Israel is using the most advanced American weaponry to kill Palestinian children and their parents in their bedrooms and on the beaches of the Gaza Strip in an offensive campaign the likes of which no one has ever conducted against a population that is stripped of the minimum defensive capabilities thanks again to the disarming measures imposed on these people by the criminally insane who populate the American Congress. The reality remains that the Jewish propaganda machine continues to dish out stories that keep getting more fantastic by the day about the defensive capabilities of Israel, a setup, they claim has rendered offense a thing of the past for that entity.

The operators of the propaganda machine still want us to believe in the Judaic ambiguity that Israel is well defended, the reason why it is pursuing an offensive strategy which – according to Jonah Goldberg – is earning Israel the worldwide view that it has become the modern equivalent of a Nazi state. Goldberg is telling this story in his article: “The Palestinian 'Genocide' Lie” which also came under the subtitle: “It's a moral scandal that it's even necessary to debunk equating Israel with the Nazis.” It was published on July 16, 2014 in National Review Online. Read that article and then, my friend, go figure because I am tired figuring out all the ambiguities of this never honest culture.

But for now, we ask the question: What is the fantastic story that Dinerman is telling? It is the story of the invisible Iron Dome which, he says, is performing so well, it can do two things at the same time. It can be 90% effective and still remain invisible to those that want to see it in action but cannot. How do you do that as a story teller? Well, you give the system exceptional powers that explain why you cannot see it, and why you cannot even see the effect of what it is supposed to be doing.

For example, you are supposed to see the system knock the incoming rockets out of the sky but this was never seen by anyone. Also, when the rockets are knocked out, they are supposed to become harmless, and yet they are falling on cities and towns where they cause considerable damage. How can that be? True, says Dinerman, these things do happen but that's because the invisible Dome has mysterious powers. He explains: “if the rockets are going to land in an uninhabited zone, the system does nothing...” And you saw nothing because the system decided there was nothing to show you. This is proof it has exceptional powers, does it not?

As to the question of the rockets not becoming harmless even after they have been knocked out of the sky, this is how Dinerman explains the phenomenon: “When a rocket is hit, it does not disintegrate into nothingness. Debris from both the missile and the rocket fall to Earth and this debris can sometimes do damage...” Debris? What kind of debris is it that blows up like a rocket and takes out a complete neighborhood block? Who are you kidding, mister? Is this another Santa Claus story? We're too old to believe in that.

But what is it that the Israelis say makes the Iron Dome such a success story despite the fact that several technologies were tried by Americans, and nothing worked better than the shotgun approach which continually fires a hail of bullets at an incoming rocket? Dinerman gives a technical description of what is involved in the Iron Dome. He writes: “This technology uses dozens of small transmit-receive modules to scan for targets. It does not need any sort of mechanical sweeping apparatus … Israel had first developed such radars as replacements for the older systems that equipped its F-15s and F-16s.”

This is dumb because the problem has never been the detection of the incoming rockets. It is with getting the missile as close as a foot from the rocket approaching it head-on ... and this requires a very maneuverable missile. If you manage to accomplish this feat which is near to impossible to begin with, you must still detonate the missile no more than a foot in front of the rocket as the two approach each other at a speed that can exceed 5,000 feet per second. This was never accomplished, and will most likely never be. This is because the electronic systems and the chemical systems that must operate both independently and together contain so many random factors; you can never be precise enough for this approach to work.

Now, what is this thing which Israel is supposed to have developed? Nothing really. The thing has been around for more than a quarter century. It uses the kind of large scale integration of transistors that makes the Hubble Telescope work. You need such a system in a jet plane because you cannot have a rotating radar outside a plane that is flying at several times the speed of sound. Thus, instead of one eye mounted on a neck that rotates, you do away with the neck and have the eye of a fly, made of thousands little eyelets looking in every direction at the same time. Israel came up with nothing new, if it came up with anything at all.

Nobody is fooled by this Jewish propaganda except the American taxpayers who will be asked once again to dish out billions of dollars – supposedly to further perfect the non-existent Iron Dome – but money that will be used to replenish the Israeli killing machine, now running out of bombs and fuels, as it goes about killing Palestinians whose only crime has been to seek living free of Jewish tyranny.