Monday, July 14, 2014

Meet the Netanyassad evil Twins

Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and Bashar Assad of Syria are beginning to look like evil twins (we may nickname them the Netanyassad twins) with one being more evil than the other. And the question is this: Which of the two deserves having the title of super-evil bestowed on him? Well, we can devise a way to find out but it will require doing some math, so let's leave it for later and concentrate instead on something else.

It is that Netanyahu has an arsenal of half-assed quips he and his cohorts use all the time; one quip being this: “We use missiles to protect the civilian population; they use the civilian population to protect missiles.” Netanyahu utters these words to justify bombing the civilian installations in Gaza at which time scores of women, children, the elderly and the infirm die.

There is nothing new in this performance because this is the Jewish way of placing the blame on the victims of their actions, especially when they see the need to absolve themselves of the death and destruction they heap on the innocent. It should be noted that the victims they blame are dead people most of the time; people they would have killed themselves such as the scores that the Netanyahu forces obliterate day in and day out.

But is there a shred of validity in their argument, and if yes, what is it? To answer the question we must be reminded of the fact that Gaza is a small city crammed with 1.7 million people. There is not enough space in it to use as living quarters, and space to use as a field on which to conduct war. Moreover, given that this is the third generation of Palestinians living in the cross-hairs of the Jewish killing machine, everyone who can protect the family carries a gun or another weapon on them. And these people – members of the Hamas movement – take the weapons with them everywhere they go, including the mosques where they pray, and the homes where they live with the family.

And so, what Netanyahu does when he blames them for what befalls them and befalls their families is akin to the criminal who invades a home then puts the blame for the death of the people in it on the owner of the gun because he did not leave the weapon outside before entering. His explanation would be that the owner made the mistake of using the gun to defend himself and his family, something he should not have done. But he did, and this is what forced the criminal to use his own gun to take out anything and everything that moved in the house, says the criminal.

Likewise, because the Hamas people maintain their weapons close to the population they protect, they give reason to the Netanyahu forces to kill scores of women, children, the elderly and the infirm, says Netanyahu and those who speak for him. This is valid, they say, whether or not the fighters among the Hamas people have somewhere else to which they can go, a place in the open where the Israeli helicopter gunships can spot them from the air and slaughtered them without any being able to defend himself, herself or the family. And this would be the way to protect the non-combatant Palestinian people ... according to this manifestation of Jewish genius.

Let us now see how far that kind of logic has taken the situation in the Middle East, both by the hands of Syria's Assad and the hands of Israel's Netanyahu. We do some math to see which is the more evil of the two. To begin, the conflict in Syria has lasted something like 150 weeks during which time it is said that 160,000 people died. Doing the fighting were the Assad forces on one side, and a variety of other groups on the other side; many of which turned out to be ferocious fighters.

And so, we must assume that the Assad forces could not have been responsible for more than half of the people that died ... which means 80,000. This brings the number of dead per week in the Syrian conflict to an average of 533. This being the number that applies for a population of about 20 million, the number of dead per million per week comes to 27.

As to the war on Gaza, the number of dead in the first week of the Netanyahu savagery has reached the 165 level. And this applies to a population of 1.7 million. This brings the average per million per week to 97. Thus, the score is 27 for Assad and 97 for Netanyahu. A simple division of the two numbers says that Netanyahu is 3.6 times more savage than Assad. He deserves to have the title of super-evil bestowed on him.

Israel is not an island of serenity in a turbulent sea; it is a portable Jewish cesspool that was parachuted into the Arab Garden of Eden.