Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Complete Example of satanic Evil

At long last, we now have a complete example of how satanic evil operates on a long term basis, and keeps the human condition as tragic as it is for as long as it has been on this planet. A new cycle of the demonic machinations that always lead to tragedy was started in 1967 when the population of Gaza and the Palestinian West Bank came under Jewish occupation. And the effects of that event are still ongoing today.

While the Palestinian families did their best to shield their children from the effects of the occupation by giving them as normal a life as possible, the Jewish families of Israel did the opposite. They raised their children in communes called Kibbutz which they built at the front lines where Israel was stealing Arab waters, and where armed skirmishes often took place. It was later learned that this was a deliberate policy as the Jews relished in using their own children as human shields to restrain the Arabs, and for the propaganda value of showing Jewish kids traumatized by the fight taking place around them. And after 1967, the Israeli families took their children into the heart of the occupied territories where the skirmishes multiplied between the Palestinians that were being uprooted and the Jewish looters who came mainly from America to uproot them and to loot them.

Despite the fact that deliberate provocations were there all the time, very little happened with regard to the first generation of Palestinian children because their parents did nothing that the children could learn from. Instead, the parents supervised the children according to Arab tradition and culture which were patience, forgiveness and hope. But things began to change with the second generation of Palestinians as they grew under Jewish occupation, experiencing first hand the full array of Jewish savagery, raging from the looting of their properties to the murder of entire families in coordinated attacks by the settlers on the ground and the military in the air.

By the time the third generation of Palestinians – raised under Jewish occupation – had come along, it was ready to give the Jews a full blown intifada such as the one it staged when Ariel Sharon deliberately provoked the Palestinians by sending his troops to desecrate the al-Aqsa Mosque. And now, after nearly half a century of occupation, the fight remains between the Arab kids who rebelled against their parents and decided to take matters in their hands to fight the Jews and their supporters where they find them – and what those kids have encountered.

And what they have encountered were older Jewish men and women pushing their own children to the front lines and pushing them deep into the occupied territories so as to start the skirmishes that will allow them to kill more Palestinians, loot more land and properties, and tell the world that evil are the Palestinian kids who should be kept under a tight leash by their parents despite the fact that the Israelis are making it impossible for this to happen.

And you see this Jewish horror play itself out today with Arab kids being blamed for killing Jewish kids – although nothing has been proven yet – and older Jewish men killing Arab kids; acts that were caught on camera. And you see it with the Israeli military taking to the air to ethnic cleanse the territory they want to loot; and you see it in the settlers who are on the move committing more of the crimes that the Jewish propaganda machine will ultimately blame on the Palestinians.

In fact, the preparation for that blame game has started with the editors of National Review Online chiding their own American President for drawing what sounds like a moral equivalence between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. No, say the editors, Israel is superior to the Palestinian Authority. They say this knowing that the rest of the world has long ago determined that the Palestinians are way superior to the Jewish demons.

Read that editorial and feel sick to the stomach or laugh it off. It came under the title: “Obama's 'Refrain'” and the subtitle: “As if Israel and the PA were morally equivalent.” It was published on July 2, 2014.